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I wondered who could this Jinnie person be?



And what classes did we share?

As much as I wanted to put that thought behind me, I couldn't.

Not as long as they were walking the halls of this school, watching me like a stalker.

"Namjoon, what's with that face?" Hoseok's loud voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I turned to him with a half smile. "Nothing. I just have a lot on my mind." I said as I looked at my locker.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Well if you are thinking about that Jinnie person, then stop. I'm pretty sure they got the hint." he said as he slapped my back.

"I don't know, I feel like I've gotten myself into a mess." I sighed as I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "If they were willing to cut out a piece of their skin show their affection to me, then I highly doubt my warning went through to them."

"Then why don't you just report them to the principle?" Hoseok asked.  

"Hoseok, first we don't know who this person is and second we both went along with this charade of her's-"

"His" Hoseok muttered. "I still think it's a guy that's behind all of this." he added with a wink. 

I shot him a glare and turned to open my locker. "Guy, girl, it doesn't matter. I'm going to get to the bottom of this mystery-" before I could even finish my sentence, a pink envelope had fallen out of my locker. 

I felt my entire body freeze as my throat locked up and my mind went numb. 

"Are you fucking for real?" Hoseok spat as he leaned down and picked up the envelope. "It looks clean this time." he said as he stood up and handed it over to me. "Go ahead, let's see what Jinnie had to say for this time." he mused. 

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply as I forced myself to grab hold of the pink envelope with the golden star and opened it. 

My Dearest Namjoon, 

I truly apologize for scaring you with my offering of my loyalty. I didn't mean to upset you my love. I only wanted to prove to you that i'm willing to do anything for you. 


My mind, body and soul are all yours. 

I only belong to you and ONLY YOU.

And you only belong to ME.

Please accept these photos as a token of my apologies. I've taken the liberty of punishing myself for you. Although I wish it was you that would punish me with those big hands of yours. 

I'm nearly cumming at the thought of you inflicting your love onto my skin. And soon that thought will become a reality. 

I'll be waiting for your next reply. 

Forever yours


My hand was shaking by the time I finished reading the letter. 

This person is a complete psycho path. whatever I wrote in my last letter had no affect on them, in fact I think i just aroused them even more. 

"Namjoon, look at those pictures." Hoseok uttered quietly as his eyes widened at a few Polaroid pictures that stuck out of the envelope. 

I took them out and nearly gasped out loud as I saw pictures of someone's bare legs marked with what it appeared to be welts from a belt. 

"Oh my god...this is out of fucking control." I whispered as I looked over to Hoseok who was equally shocked. 

"Namjoon, we need to figure out who this person is and stop this." Hoseok said as he grabbed the pictures and studied them carefully. "And by the way, for a girl, they have muscular legs." he added as he showed me one of the pictures of their exposed thigh. 

Shit, it was definitely a guy. 

"I have an idea. I'll send them another letter to that locker and then i'll wait to see who picks up the letter. I want to confront who ever this Jinnie person is." I said as grabbed the photos and shoved them in my bag. 

If only I'd had known how deep I've dug my own grave....

Letters to my Romeo [K.NJ + K.SJ]Where stories live. Discover now