Chapter 6

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I sat down in between Newt and Ben watching everyone file in. Poor Kai was sitting in the center and everyone was staring at her. Once everyone was inside, Alby motioned for me to come up next to him. He spoke just so I could hear, "I think you should question her, or get her to tell us what she told you because you are another girl, and she met you first." He patted my shoulder as he took his seat front and center.

"ALRIGHT. We are going to begin now, Frances will be helping lead." Silence immediately ensued, all eyes on me and Kai. I turned to give her a reassuring smile.

"So, when I went to get her and the other greenie out I told them they would remember their names eventually but not a lot more. But she told me something different..." Every person in the room was intently listening, waiting for what was to come. I gestured toward Kai, so that she could tell her own story. Alby tapped my leg and told me I could sit down, because Kai seemed okay to talk on her own.

I went back to my seat and Ben gave me a high five. Newt put his arm around the back of my chair so his hand grazed my arm. He put his hand on his thigh for a high five also, but after I lightly high-fived, Newt intertwined our hands for a moment, but then we both let go because Kai had started to talk, and we want to listen 100%.

"To start, my name is Kai. I remember my name, obviously. But I also remember other things, I remember all of you guys and all of our memories together." As she said those words, she glanced at Minho, then back to center. 

"Good to see all of you all again by the way, and I was curious if that had happened yet." She gestured towards Newt and I. I had no idea what she was talking about, Newt's eyebrow raised, and he looked to me for answers. I slowly turned to Kai, "What are you talking about?"

"oh, right, sorry. You and Newt were together before all of this. WICKED can take away as much memories as they want, but feelings remain." I was in awe of what she said, Newt and I had been together before... I guess our connection was that strong?

"But anyway, putting me in the maze with my memories is another variable for WICKED. I don't remember anything specific, but I know that the people who put us here, WICKED, they are watching us all the time. I also have a device I was sent up with called a mem charger." If someone would have walked in to the room at that current moment, they would have thought that Kai was Jesus or something, because everyone was listening, eyes set on her, trying to understand what she meant, and if they could trust what she says.

"A mem charger allows one person, that we all choose to gain their memories back like me, their memories with other people and some other small things, the only thing I didn't mention to you Frances, is that it can't be you..." What is that supposed to mean?? 

 "you have a memory that is too painful, and another memory that can take down WICKED. Now I know what you are thinking, we should give it to her, so we can stop WICKED, but if we give it to her, WICKED will kill her before she remembers.  The mem charger won't work on her, it would kill her instead. Plus, we need one more person related to you to make taking down WICKED work" Silence. Complete silence. No one knew what to say. I know that the other person is Thomas, it must be. I will have to ask her later. But what memory was too painful? I honestly don't want to know if it's THAT painful. 

Alby was the first to talk, "How do we know if anything you say is true? How can we trust you?"

He was right, but I feel like she was one of the other girls in that dream I can't fully remember. Wait, if that was her, she will know Thomas, if she can tell me who he is and that he is my brother, I know we can trust her, that means it was her in the dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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