Chapter 4

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A/n: that gif is of Charlie :)

It had been 3 days since George first got sick. We had no idea what was wrong with him, just that he wasn't getting better.

I had shadowed as a Med-Jack and liked that too. Clint and Jeff were kind and quite knowledgeable. I asked Minho about being a runner but once he told me what he did I was no longer interested...

I had also spent a day with Zart as a Track hoe but I didn't like that either.


Today was the day where my job would be decided. I paced anxiously outside the gathering area.

Newt walked over to me, "nervous?" he asked looking up at me.

"yeah..." I gave a small smile and stopped pacing to talk to him.

"I just don't wanna be stuck as something I don't want to be..."

"Well if it helps, I told Alby the two you told me you liked?" 

I smiled, " thanks Newt"

Just as Newt was about to say something else, Gally and Winston walked over.

"hey guys" I waved.

" I hope they let you be a builder! We could really use ya!" Gally chuckled clapping my shoulder.

We headed into the tent where all of the keepers were, plus a couple more people, and Alby.

Alby talked with each of the keepers then all of them talked together. 

I was nervous because I didn't want to be a Track Hoe or a Slicer.... I wanted to be a builder! or a Med jack!

I had loved both of those jobs. What confused me, was Newt's job. What was he? He seemed to have a new job everyday. I would have to ask him about that.

All of the boys finished talking and turned around to me. Alby walked up and stood next to me. "Frances, we have decided you would be best suited as...........a Builder!"

I beemed with excitement.

"Congrats!" Gally came over and gave me a big hug, as did Minho.

My eyes caught Newt's in the back of the crowd. He made his way up towards me.

"Congratulations Frances!" He pulled me into a tight hug.

"thank you, I'm so excited."

Thankfully Alby started to talk so that I could turn towards him and Newt couldn't see my red cheeks.

"you will start your first day tomorrow. You can just hang out the rest of the day today."

Everyone started to leave and head back to their jobs. As I walked out Newt caught up with me.

"Hey! Frances!"

I turned to face him, "hey Newt"

He scratched the back of his neck before looking at me, "I've got nothing to do, want to grab some food from Fry and do a picnic in the Deadheads?"

I smiled, " I would love that." 


Fry had given us some lunch and even some extra food, and we had grabbed a blanket from the Homestead.

Once we sat down and had all the food I wanted to ask Newt about his job, or lack there of " hey can I ask you something?"

"anything love." The way he says love KILLS ME. His accent is perfect and adding that sends shivers down my spine.

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