Cry For Me

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Warning- internalized homophobia and some slurs, stereotypes, etc.

Marvin arrives home to no one being home. Jason must've already gone to school, and Trina must've gone to work downtown, since it's 8:29 in the morning and Jason's school starts at 8:30 and Trina has to take the subway downtown at 8 to be by 9.

When he takes his jacket off and leisurely throws it on the hard wood floor, he wonders what Whizzer might be doing right now.

He strongly believes that Whizzer has a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and almond milk, then takes a whole two hours to get ready, (because a man who looks like that takes extra pride in how he presents himself to the public) and goes on a long walk around the neighborhood and maybe meets his other gay friends at a café.

He probably doesn't get anything while he's at the café, because he's already had breakfast and coffee isn't good for your complexion, so he mainly talks to his friends. They probably talk about their boyfriends and their clothes they bought at some designer store in the Village, and when they're finished chatting, he waves goodbye and heads back home.

Marvin doesn't know what Whizzer might do after that, maybe he goes to the gym. That would definitely explain his toned body and perfect figure.

Maybe he acts like a disgrace because he's a homosexual.

A crossdresser, a pedophile, a prostitute, a fucking faggot, for God's sake. He probably goes out with his gay friends and they dress up as women and fuck each other with their makeup still on. They probably have fivesomes when they're alone, and they cake themselves in heavy, expensive, makeup.

So Marvin isn't gay. He doesn't dress up as a woman, or act overly feminine. He loves his wife, if he didn't, Jason wouldn't be alive right now! He wouldn't have had sex with Trina in the first place, had he not loved her.

But then there's the past events of last night- December 20th, 1978.

He fucked a man.

And he liked it?

But that doesn't make him gay, because he just did it one time, and you would have to do it multiple times to be officially gay, right? So, case closed. He is a heterosexual man who loves and loved his wife. He, in fact, loved her so much that Jason now exists.

He takes a seat down on the couch in the living room and puffs out short and heavy breaths. That walking home made him so exhausted, and now he's sure he needs to work out so that won't happen again.

How does Whizzer live with himself? How do any homosexuals live their lives and think: 'I'm fine, just as human as everyone else in the room.'? That's completely unnatural to Marvin.

Does Whizzer ever do something normal and then suddenly realize how terrible he is? But maybe he's too blinded by his homosexuality to realize how awful he is and have that moment.

The phone rings.

Marvin doesn't think who it could be, he just doesn't want to ignore it because the ringing sound is so annoying that it makes him angry. He just picks up the phone and mindlessy greets, an exhausted, "Hello?"

A familiar voice answers. "Yeah, hey, Marv!"

Well, if it isn't Mister Disgrace, Andrew Whizzer Brown.

"Uh, hi."

"So I was wondering when a good time to-"

"Hey, Whizzer?" Marvin asks, his voice cold and hard and emotionless.


"You're a faggot. You're so awful that you don't even know how bad you are! Don't call me, don't talk to me. I should never have- Never have- You know what I mean. Last night never happened. From this point on, I never met you. We never screwed. Have a nice day, bye."

"But Marv-"

"Don't protest, you know how disgusting you are. You fucking know, you goddamn fairy. You're attracted to children! You're a pedophile, Whizzer! You let men shove their dicks up your ass for money, you're a fucking prostitute. You crossdress. You cover yourself up in makeup. You're a disgrace. Imagine how your family would feel is they saw you now!"

"Marvin! Don't fu-"

Marvin hangs up on him.

Late December, 1978~ A Falsettos FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now