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Peter nearly crushed Tony in his arms, once the man had woken up.

T'Challa had arrived soon after Peter had found Tony, and the King of Wakanda had sedated the man. Peter had watched with a frozen heart, as Mr Stark was taken to the Talon Fighter, still under, and checked over for any permanent brain injuries from the alcohol.

He was fine (as fine as you could be with an alcohol problem), but they were going to do further tests in Wakanda. Because that's where they were taking him. Them. Back to Wakanda, before the FBI found out the Terrorist was back in New York.

And so, when Tony had gasped awake, Peter had hugged him so tight he thought the older man might snap in two. He was more than shocked when he felt his mentor hug him back, albeit weakly. It was enough.

"I will set the destination to Wakanda, but I must leave you soon." The Black Panther said from the front of the aircraft, near the control panels. Peter watched as T'Challa tapped a button and a hovering sign popped up on the huge screens, flashing in big red letters; AUTOPILOT.

Peter nodded, "Thank you, si—T'Challa." He said sincerely, giving the Wakandan a small, sad smile.

From what T'Challa had said, and more specifically from what Peter remembered T'Challa had said, the guy had a UN meeting to attend. So, he wasn't going with them, and will probably only get back to Wakanda in a week or so.

"Take care of your father, Peter," T'Challa called out to Peter, as he fiddled with the controls, "I will see you soon." And with that, before Peter could correct his mistake, he walked towards the exiting door.

As soon as T'Challa had stepped onto the concrete of the landing pad, the doors closed with a small pfft and the engines sprang to life.

Peter looked down at Tony, who was blinking his eyes with a confused look on his face, no doubt nursing a killer headache. Something in Peter's chest clenched at the sight of the man, but he fought it down. If they were gonna be stuck in the same ship for hours, he wasn't going to start any fight whatsoever.

Forgiveness, moving on, blah blah blah, Peter found it hard. But for Tony? He'd give it a try.

"Mr Stark?" Peter asked, as he got to his feet and walked towards a window to watch the world fly by beneath them. "How are you feeling?" He pressed, when he got no response.

"Like crap," was the small, weary reply.

Maybe Peter would wait before telling him about May. He couldn't do that to Tony. He couldn't do that to himself.

Tony groaned as he began to sit up on the gurney, and ignored Peter's sudden protests to lie him back down. The Stark yanked out the IV in his arm, with a small wince, then rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Tired?" Peter asked shortly.

Tony scoffed. "Hungover."

And as the words came out of his mouth, a look of horror fell upon his face. He stared wide-eyed at Peter.

"Oh God, Pete, I'm so sor—" He began, but Peter cut across him.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"No, kid, it's not fine—"

"It is, okay? Happens all the time." Peter argued.

"It shouldn't." Tony said, eyes full of regret.

Little did Tony know. Very, very little.

Peter took a deep breath, "I'm being serious; it's alright. It could've been worse than it was." And it was (he already missed May, so, so much—).

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