The Morning After & YouTube

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I was laying on my bed the last thing i remember was that i was at Crystal's Concert & Drinking with her but not getting home. When i try to get up i felt something heavy on my waist when i look to my left & I saw Jack sleeping there shirtless. I Just plop my slef on my pilow .

E: She's going to kill us i just know it.

J: huh who's going to kill us....Wait......W-What happen last Night.

E:Crystal & You don't remember anything

J: No Not At all...Wait did we

E:Well i think so cause all are clothes are on the floor.

J:So we did get super drunk last night did we

E: I guess we did but it was fun seeing her on stage.

J: Yeah  it was & She did, She does love her Fans

E: yeah She does I......I was cut off when we heard Anna scream.



J:What going on

E: I don't know lets Get dress & find out. After We got dress we ran down stairs to see Anna trying to wake up Crystal.

E: Anna What happen

A: I don't know i came down stairs cause she wasn't in here room & i try to wake her up but she didn't responde.

J: wait i know what to do

E:What, what are you going to do to her.

J:Don't worry my dad use to make it when mom didn't wake up when she was drunk.

A: will it work

J:trust me if it work for my mom It will work for her.

After he said that he went to the kitchen & got diffrent fruites & Veggies & blend them 2gether when he was done he came to the living room.

J: Alright sit her up

E:Ok soo how does this work again

A: Yeah how do we know you won't kill her.

J: Like i said if it work on my mom it will work on her & she just has to drink it.

E: Ok go for it.

He puts the glass on her lips & tilte the cup full of jucie so she can drink it. Then after 6 sec she started to wake up.

E: Did it work

C:The Fuck was that.

J:Jucie or something

C: Well it fucking gross but in the sametime it tastes like apples.

E: But it helped you wake up

C: What do you mean.

A: I Tryed waking you up & you wouldn't

J:So that's why i made you this drink so you would wake up.

C: Oh Anna i'm so sorry i scared you & Thank you Jack. 

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