Chapter 5- Gold-Blood

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"Mother always said to be nice to strangers...she didn't talk anything about a alien stalking you" - Haku Ito

Haku watched the alien-no Yautja standing still in front of him, he was like a statue in the sun and that unnerved Haku. He was just watching him with those intense blue eyes, it was like he was looking into his soul, like he knew what the human was thinking. Haku cleared his throat-it still hurt, like the feeling of being sick, but times ten. He looked away from the creature, his dog was standing up, watching the other closely, but not really making a noise.

"A...Yautja? So, there's life out there besides us?" the human asked in astonishment and shock. Technology-before the war- had came a long way. Humans had made flying cars and holographic phones, hover-boards that actually hovered, jet-packs and cures for everything under the sun. Yet, they couldn't build a spaceship that would take them to different planets or travel across the universe in seconds. Humans were still a long way from going into space, and now with the war that had happened, it was likely never going to happen. Now...Haku knew there was life out there besides humans. It scared and excited him at the same time.

The Yautja let out a scoffing type of noise and rolled his eyes like what Haku said was something funny yet childish. Haku looked at the other in confusion and those electric eyes looked at the man "Yes, there is other life. Your government had known about us and other life for a very long time. They of course have been keeping it secret from the public. Something about causing a mass panic or something." He shrugged his large shoulders, some of his dreads slipped off his shoulders and down his back.

"I think it's an idiotic idea. Keeping information like that from the public. If my species were to suddenly invade your planet, none of the public would know and be unprepared for it. It would be a blood bath, you humans are strange." He turned around to look outside, it was still raining, but not hard. Haku kept staring at the other's back in shock, there was other life out there and the government knew. They fucking knew! Then maybe this war...maybe it was a cover up for something big they didn't want getting out. The brunette scoffed and ran a hand through his hair, no...that made no sense. *Don't become paranoid now, Haku..* he thought and walked over to the wall near the Yautja and crossed his arms.

"What's your name?" Haku asked after a few minutes of silence,  Tamotsu laid down near his feet, yawning and laying his head on his paws. It seemed his friend didn't see that the Yautja was a threat for now. The brunette should be absolutely terrified of this 7 foot tall creature, but, he didn't feel any fear. None at all. The creature didn't try to hurt him at all yet, in fact, he didn't even take his weapon out even when Haku had his weapon drawn on him. The brunette's golden gaze looked over to the other as he shifted and crouched down near the edge of the hole, looking out at the destroyed city. He was silent for a while and Haku wondered if he heard his question or if he decided to ignore him.

"Gold-Blood. I had my original birth name...but I cannot remember it. Your scientists could have erased some of my memories or the chemicals they pumped in me could have had some side effects. Either way, my birth name is lost to me." Gold-Blood stayed in his crouched position and the human let out a small hum of acknowledgment, turning his gaze to the city as well.

"Do you remember anything from before?"

"Flashes of memory."

He didn't say anything else after that and Haku knew the talking and poking to get some answers from him was over. The man sighed and pushed off the wall, Tamotsu stood up and shook. "Well, Gold-Blood, I'm Haku. Don't know if you really care or not and honestly, I could care less. I'm leaving this city and I'm going to see if there is any life out there. If you want, you can tag along or not. Do whatever you want." The man shrugged and turned to leave but was stopped when Gold-Blood spoke up.

"I'm leaving this planet as soon as I find my ship. You are an interesting human and my people would be interested of you as well. They might not welcoming you immediately, but they will not be hostile. I have seen the powers you have, it is like nothing else that I have seen."

Haku looked back at the other with interest and turned around to fully face the giant. "I'm listening."

Gold-Blood nodded his head once "I am inviting you to my planet. You can become strong from the warriors and train under one of the elders of the clan and they may accept you. They would also be interested in your powers as well." The Yautja watched Haku, seeing those golden eyes of his spark with curiosity.

"Tamotsu is coming or I'm not going at all." The German Shepard barked happily and trotted n place, tail wagging. The Yautja looked down at the dog before nodding his head in agreement. Haku smiled "Then I accept." Gold-Blood was surprised that the human agreed so soon and had to ask

"Why did you agree so soon without hesitating?"

"Why? There's nothing here for me. And even if I do come in contact with other humans, I will be treated like an outsider with these powers. Humans are...cruel like that."

Gold-Blood could agree with him. Humans were cruel.

"Alright, Gold-Blood, where's your ship?" the Yautja was quiet and crossed his arms, looking at Haku with seriousness.

"In America. Area 51."

Haku looked at the other in shock but it would make sense that it would be there, Area 51 was the place to hide anything from the public. Plus, if Gold-Blood did want to escape from Earth, it would make it impossible for him to get to America without being caught.

"Area 51, huh? Well, this will be quite the journey...Let's get going, yeah?"

Gold-Blood nodded his head and followed the two out of the room and out into the street of the destroyed city. Haku looked to his traveling companion before looking ahead and let out a small sigh.

Quite the journey indeed.


A year later and a chapter is out! Finally! I thought I would abandon this story...but after a lot of time, I thought about it and decided to continue it. Well, expect more chapters out of this one. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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