Chap 1: Scarlet Eaton

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                                     AN: Before you read this book, please note I have rewritten it in a new book call     Divergent Direction Rewritten 

 Scarlet's POV

"I WILL NOT HAVE YOU END UP AS YOUR BROTHER!" He shouted as he hit me, over and over.

 Ever since my brother Tobias left, our father, Marcus, has been extra harsh with the beatings. My whole body, except for my face was covered in bruises. He gave me one last kick in the stomach before he left.

I groaned in pain but manage to make my way down stairs. The aptitude tests were today. So I began my walk to the building. I zoned out quite a bit on my walk. I missed my brother, he was my best friend, and had always tried to protect me against Marcus. Me and Tobias looked quite a bit a like. Same light brown hair, and brown eyes. We used to be inseparable, until he left me. 

I stood in line next to Beatrice and Caleb Prior to enter the building. I watched as the Dauntless jumped off the moving train, running and screaming, getting into their own line. Then Liam walked over to me. Liam is my best friend and has been for years. 

"Hey Scarlet" He said smiling. Liam was always easy at being selfless, his brain seemed to be wired that way. Selfless and polite. 

"Hi Liam" I said smiling.

"Are you nervous, about the test?" he asked. Maybe my smile was too fake for his taste.

"No, 'm just scared is all" I reply, fiddling with my fingers. 

"Don't worry, you'll be fine" He said giving me his reassuring smile. Then we were all let inside. We waited for our names to be called. Caleb and Beatrice went into their test, afterwards, Caleb came out, but Beatrice wasnt to be found.

"Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, and Scarlet Eaton" They called.

Niall was from Amity, they value kindness. Louis is Candor, they value honesty, they always tell the truth, Zayn is from Erudite, they value knowledge, they're supposed to be smart, While as Liam and I are Abnegation, which values selflessness. We reject vanity, and arent aloud to see mirrors.

So i walked into the room where my test was going to be. A dauntless girl was in their, she seemed flustered and upset about somthing.

"I'm Tori, your test administor, drink this, and dont ask questions" She said handing me a blue liquid.

I drank it, it tasted like medicine. I leaned back into the chair and i blinked. When i opened my eyes, i was in a room full of mirrors. I walked over to one of them and examined myself, my slightly curly light brown hair, to my hazel eyes, i was very skinny and not that strong. Then somone tapped my back. I turned around and saw it was just myself.

"Choose" She said. I looked to my right and saw a plate with cheese on it, and a plate with a knife on it.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just choose!" She shouted. I flinched. I looked at them again, thinking. I still didnt pick one. I turned back towards her.

"Your loss" She said, then she dissappeared.

I turned back to the plates, but the objects on them were gone. Then a dog appeared. It was a vicious looking dog, a German sheperd i think. It was snarling and looked about to attack me. I didnt know what to do, so i crouched down and closed my eyes. I was waiting for the dog to attack me. I opened my eyes slightly and saw the vicious dog was replaced with a puppy. I lightly patted its head. It barked and licked my face.

"Puppy..." A small voice muttered.

I turned around and saw my brother Tobias when he was 6. I smiled, but heard a growl. I looked at where the puppy was. But it was replaced with the vicious dog. Then the dog started running towards Tobias. I ran after the dog. I was running at full speed, and then i jumped on the dog. Me and the dog fell through the floor, and i ended up landing on a bus, stomach first. I quickly got up, as a man walked on the bus. He shoved a newspaper in my face.

"Do you know him?" He asked. And on the newspaper was a picture of Tobias. I didnt want to tell him that he was my brother, he seemd like an off character.

"No" I said simply.

"Come on i know you know him, you could save my life!" He shouted.

"I said i dont know him and i dont" I said lieing straight through my teeth.

Then i woke up. I was sitting in the apitude test chair. Tori started typing stuff up again and was muttering things under her breath.

"Great another one, come on get up, go home, say you were sick..." She said.

"What was my result?" I asked.

"Abneagation, and Erudite and Dauntless" She said.

"But as far as anyone is concerned you got Abneagation, cause that is what i manually entered..." Tori said.

"What...what am i, the test was supposed to tell me..."

"The test didnt work on you, you're Divergent...just like your brother" She said.

" brother..."

"Yes, now you need to go, the test made you sick alright?" She said. Before i could say or ask anything else, she lead me out the back door and shut it.

My brothers Divergent...Im Divergent...This isnt good.

Everyone thinks Divergents threaten ristance, Divergents are aware during sumilations, and cant be controlled. What am i going to do?

I slowly walked home. I have no clue what i am going to choose tomorrow for the choosing ceromony. When i get home, i start making dinner for my father and myself. Time goes by fast, and soon enough im finished. I set the table as my dad walks in. He sits down and we begin to eat our bland meal. We eat to surive, not for pleasure.

"What was your test result?" He asked.

"Abnegation" I say simply.

"Dont lie to me Scarlet" He says.

"Im not lieing, I got Abnegation" I say looking him in the eyes. He nods and we continue our meal in silence. Well, i cant be Candor...

After dinner i washed dishes and head straight to my room. I crawl under the covers and drift off to sleep.

A/N: Hey so i'm in love with the book and movie Divergent, so i thought hey why not do a Divergent Fanfiction? So if you've read the book, its mostly going to be like that, but different, 1D's in this, and its in 'Scarlets' POV soo, oh and dont worry about Harry, He will be coming up soon, :)


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