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Hanson sighed as he finally made it to the bathroom where he gripped onto the sink. Why was he so afraid now? It's not like Emma knew who he was. Plus for all he could know she wouldn't say anything about it to him! She could be really nice! However seeing the way she was around Melvin he couldn't really tell.
"Well well what do we have here?"
Hanson flinched as he looked over his shoulder to see Chad and Aziz smirking at him.
"I don't want any trouble"
"Why? Planning on sneaking around to cause it like your dad?"
"I'm not like him"
"That's what they all say"
Hanson narrowed his eyes as he walked over to the two. Due to his height he had to look down at the two just to dare to look them in the eye.
"You have no idea what I can do" he hissed.
"Now you're a tough guy? We saw you run from Emma"
Hanson flinched as he clenched his fists before the bathroom door opened. He sighed as Doug walked in confused before he pushed passed him heading to class. First day and he already had enemies and met the girl of his father's worst enemy. Dad would be so proud he thought as he entered the class room. He figured there wouldn't be any trouble in here at least...that is until he saw the only open seat was next to Emma.

Do You Wanna Build A Reason?: A Descendants TaleWhere stories live. Discover now