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Hanson stood up as he had a bad feeling in his gut. He couldn't tell if it was from the bruises or if something was terrible was happening. He stood up and walked down the halls towards Emma's dorm. He gently knocked on the door as Krista answered it.

"Hey Krista is Emma here?"

"I thought she was with you"

"She was but she left"

"What did you say to her?"

"Nothing she said she had to do"
Hanson began to feel panic in his chest as Krista tapped her chin.
"So she's just gone..."
"The same day Melvin is being sent to the Isle"
The two shared a worried filled glaze before Hanson stormed out of the hall way.
"Where are you going?" Krista shouted.
"I have a bad feeling and I'm going to find Emma"
Not only was he planning on finding her, he was going to save her.

Do You Wanna Build A Reason?: A Descendants TaleWhere stories live. Discover now