Chapter 4

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"Okay, putting that aside, we need to figure out what we're going to do for Monday, " mom said while looking at dad. "Ginevra has school Monday and we have work, we haven't worked out childcare yet or a schedule."

"I can miss school. One day won't matter."

Mom frowned. "It will never be one day. There will be sick days and daycare closings and regular check-ups to attend. You need to be at school, save your absences for when you need them most." She signed. "I guess I can see if Molly will take my twelve o'clock appointment tomorrow and I can go back to back appointments for her Wednesday."

"No mom, that's too much."

"What choice do we have?" she asked.

I saw that Mia was trying to tear the head of the barbie and I took it from her. I gave her a toy blocked instead. She bit it and started to slobber.

"Someone is teething, " mom cooed at her and picked her up to bounced her in her arms.

"I think there is something we can do, " I told her. She was playing with Mia, but she still paying attention to me. " My school has a daycare. It's for teen mom's encouragement to stay in school. They offer free childcare as long as the mother is passing grades and isn't over their absent days. I can call Miss. Gomez and see if she's accepting any more kids."

"Isn't it short notice. Schools literally just started a month ago?" Dad asked

"I know, but maybe if I explain my circumstances, she will help me."

Mom looked at me unsure.

"I have to try. What choice do I have?"

Again mom looked at me with understanding the situation we're in. "Should I call?"

"No. I need to do this myself. She'll approve if it's me taking responsibility for Mia."

"Then it sounds like you have a phone call to make."

I nodded. "Can you watch her for a few minutes?"

"Ee-ohs. Ee-ohs, " Mia said.

I'll get her some cheerios, " mom said. " You go call."

Thirty minutes later I felt better and worse. Better, because of Miss. Gomez agreed to take her into the class. Bad, because she needs all of Mia's medical records by the end of next week if I want to keep her in the daycare.

"It's all set." I told my parents "Miss. Gomez agreed to take her."

Mom grinned "That's great honey." But she wasn't looking at me, she was distracted with Mia to pay attention. "She looks like you. Everything about her screams you when you were little. You know"

"No, mom I didn't know," I said.

"Well almost everything, But those bright big jade green eyes. Yeah, she got those somewhere else. Especially her long dark as night curls...I can only imagine that she's a replica of him?

The way mom was describing Mia's feature trying to get me sees her father was a failed attempt because I see him. Every time I look at little Mia it's Asher I see.

"She is. I can only hope he loves her as much as I do when he finds out."

"Only time can tell. Who knows maybe he'll find out sooner than expected."

"Yeah. I need a favor mom," I said. "Can you please call my old pediatrician tomorrow and make up an appointment for Mia's check-up? She has to have a registered pediatrician to be in daycare and I need to call Leanne to get a copy of Mia's medical records."

"I'll call before work tomorrow."

I nodded. Thank you. I'll call Leanna at lunch."


Leanna was right when she said Mia was struggling to sleep at night. The night was a total disaster, Mia cried almost all night and she would toss and turn and whine. Sometimes I wanted to cry with her. She said mama and dada at least twenty times. I was exhausted.

Thankfully it was Sunday, so I had at least a day to get my sleep back. Though mom kept reminding me that this is just the beginning.

We sent the whole day with Mia, trying to get to know her better, as much as possible being she's just still a baby.

Throughout the day I would see her playing with some of her toys and running her hands over her nose. I hope she's not getting a cold so soon, it's nearly the end of September where the cold season it's about to start.

Mom told may that I was overreacting, that it tends to happen when you're a new mother. Though I can't help the feeling like I'm playing catch up, to the extent that I am.

But everything went down smoothly she had time to play, shower, eat. I think my favorite would be watching dad play with Mia on the ground. I would be in the kitchen with mom helping her with the food and once in a while, I would check upon them. Dad would be rolling onto his back while little Mia steps over him like she was a big giant going to crush him.

As the day went on, nightfall would come soon and when it did came everything would repeat at night. Mia tossing and turning, me freaking out trying to keep calm over myself and my baby.

Let's just say it was going to be a rough few months.

I was thankful for the next day that mom was able to watch her while I got ready for school. Dad was in a hurry to go to work, but he kissed Mia and me on the head before he left.

I was supposed to meet Caleb before school this morning, but I told him I was running late and not to wait up. I feel terrible to lie to him, but I plan on explaining everything to him as soon as I talk to Asher---which needs to happen very very soon.

On the other hand, there's Emma and Kathy my two best friends, who also don't know, But they'd have to wait until later. I couldn't deal with so much all at once.

"Come on, Mia, get your shoes on," I called her. She was running around the house with a blue playground ball in her hands, trying to outrun me.

I grabbed her as she ran by me and kissed her delicate cheek. The car seat Leanna left us yesterday was sitting by the door. I cursed myself for not having installed it in the car earlier.

I asked mom to put her shoes on while I dealt with the car seat. I was glad it was one of the less complicated ones. When I was finished, I grabbed Mia and our things and hauled everything to the car.

Once we were buckled in we were off to school.

I took her to the back of the school when the main daycare entrance was and where I can avoid my classmates. We walked through the playground and in through the double doors. Two of the assistant teachers were there dealing with the other kids. Mia kicked in excitement to play with the other kids.

"Play. Play.Play," she said.

I sat her down and kissed her head. "I'll be back later, baby girl."

I watched her run towards some other toddlers when Miss. Gomez joined me by the door.

"The first day is always the hardest," she glanced at me. "You look tired. You didn't sleep well?"

"Mia had a bad night. We're still adjusting."

"She should take her nap then," she patted my back. "We'll keep an eye on her don't worry too much."

I handed over her bag. "She's been teething and feeling bad so she might be cranky today. I out some Morton in her bag if she needs it. Her dosing schedule is in the bag too. She can have it again in two hours."

She took it. "We'll handle it. We'll call you if anything is wrong. I have your number."

I thanked her. I knew I needed to go before I was late for class, but I had to make sure Mia was adjusting okay. She was happily drawing with another girl and boy trying to peel the wrapper off the crayons. If I could I would've watched her all day Unfortunately, I had school.

Finally the belled ring, my sign to leave. I left her.

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