Chapter 6

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I called my mom to get the number of the pediatrician and called them to get a sick appointment. Thankfully they had one if we could make it there in under ten minutes. Asher told them to hold it for us and made sure we got there on time. He turned off the car and I got out to get Mia, but Asher was there to hold me back. Which was a dick move in my opinion? 

"I'll get her." He said sternly and started to unbuckle her.

"Asher she doesn't even know you. You just met her today," I said. Not my proudest moment but she is my responsibility I need to take care of her.

"Yeah, no thanks to you," low blow Asher, but the dick had a point. He looked over me. "Besides, you don't seem to be in the best condition to carry her."

I had no argument for that but it doesn't mean he's being part of the team. Mia is still my responsibility. "Alright."

He pulled her out of the car gently and laid her head on him. I took the keys from him and placed them in my back pocket and started walking towards the building with Asher.

I went to the front desk to sign us in and waited for the doctor. He had been expecting us already so we were called back and seen right away.

During the check-up, Dr. Fitzgerald asked if we were her parents.

When the white shining armed answered for us "We are," I wonder if he's actually considering staying? "Is she going to be okay?" Asher asked.

The doctor seemed unconcerned. "She'll be fine. Kids get sick and kids get better. Just the usual. New parents like yourself tend to overreact sometimes, but you'll get the hang of it. Just takes time." I hope so doc or I'm afraid Mia got to the worst mom ever.

"So what's wrong with her?" Asher was losing his patience, but Dr. Fitzgerald was trying to put us at ease

"A simple bacterial infection along with some teething. It's a nasty mess, but she'll recover. I'll prescribe her some antibiotics and have it cleared up in a few days. The vomiting was a side effect of the fever. The dairy you put on her food list most likely encouraged it. I'd avoid it for a few days until the fever breaks. Give her the antibiotics for ten days. Don't stop them even if she feels better. Make sure she takes all of it or she could become sick again. It's also important to keep her well hydrated. If you give her juice, cut it with water. Do half and half that way it cuts down in her sugar intake, but she still gets the same benefit."

Asher and I both nodded along, but I felt very overwhelmed. There were a lot of things to remember. It was probably stuff that any other parents knew and could handle, but I was feeling very insignificant to them. I didn't like this feeling, I wanted to be that kind of parent. Instead, it was like Mia was getting shortchanged in the parent department. But I'm determined to change that.

After the pharmacy and the grocery store, where I picked up a book on parenting, Asher drove us home.

Walking inside I directed Asher to Mia's room "Lay her on the bed," I told him.

He placed Mia in the middle of her bed and I sat down beside her. I didn't want her in my bed in case I had to leave her for a minute and she fell off the bed. I'd already given her the first dose of her antibiotics and now she was asleep. Remembering the vomit I got up to get the trash can from the bathroom. I put a new bag in it and carried it to her room, placing it next to her beside her bed. Just in case she felt sick again.

"I'm going to go to the kitchen and pour her some juice in her cup, I'll be right back," I said to Asher. He was sitting in one of Mia's little chair watching her sleep.

He nodded and I left. When I came back to Mia's room I found Asher in the same position I had left him. Watching our daughter sleep as she takes deep small breathes. I stood by the doorway just watching them, wondering what's next for all of us. I also wanted to take a shower and take my vomit t-shirt off, but I didn't know if it was to soon to leave Asher alone with her for that long. Hell maybe he doesn't want to stick around anymore after this show, maybe he just felt sorry for her, for having me as her mother.

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