🖤Chapter 1~ Our Fate🖤

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Sans' P.O.V~
'Holy shit.....I feel so fucking wasted right now...' I thought to myself as I swig another bottle of MTTBeer ™.

Sans fangirls can be a handful, y'know? Most of them are out for each other, killing, killing and killing. All. Day. Every. Day. On the bright side, though, there are some nice ones. Ones that just simply like me for who I am and that's it. But, nice or not, carrying them all on my back weighs me down a lot. Ever since we made it to the surface, fangirls have been crowding me and crowding me, but, eventually they all died because they killed eachother. Shame, really.

I take another swig. Y'see, I don't have a job. Humans didn't take us monsters in as well as we thought they would, and treated us as the "lower" class. We're not allowed to have:

•A house
and lot's more that I can't name off my head.

So, my depression case has gotten even worse, Papyrus is off somewhere with Frisk, (which is worrying), and here I am taking drugs and drinking beer. I'm getting bonely if ya know what I mean. Suddenly, I hear the door open. I peek over my shoulder to see two absolutely HANDOME dudes come in. One seems to be an alien, he looks so hot. The other's slightly taller than the alien, he's uber hot as well. I feel like I'm gonna cum.

"Greetings, hot skeleton person!" the alien said. Now that I get a closer look at him, he seems to be wearing a cape, white boots, and oddly-shaped sunglasses. He's so fucking hot.

"Hello~" the other guy says, holy shit, so hot. He's got horns cumming (hue) out of his head and I wanna lick them.

"Come sit with me, daddies." I say. I wanna fuck them so bad.

"Nah, there's a strip club nearby. Let's go there instead" the horn dude said.

"Fuck yeah!" I say.

As we walked down to the strip club, we started talking and introducing ourselves.

"I'm Kcalb."



i'm Sans Undertale."

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~{I'm So Gay For You}~ Kcalb x Sans x Orbulon!!!Where stories live. Discover now