🖤 Chapter 7 ~ I love you...but.. 🖤

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(ps play the vid for full experience on how snas is feeling :,( . )

Sans' POV


It's over

I've lost...

my family is going to die now.......



White baby...







i can't

i can't let that happen...

not to them...

they deserve better than this....

i got up and looked over to Gru...

it's dangerous...and i may never be able to see my family ever again...













i'm sorry. 

i got up and i could hear the squid sisters playing Calamari inktation in the background...

i had to do this...

"I have something to confess.."















"i'm not actually gay.."

No one's P.O.V~

"W-wha....?! Sans, babe, you're joking, right?!"
Orbulon screeched. Tears were starting to form under his glasses, thus making them wet, and eventually so he couldn't see. KCalb was also crying, as he stared at Sans with an extremely sad expression on his face.

"VAVAVVA! VOU VILL SUVVER ZEE RAFF OF GRU....!" Gru laughed, as he opened his hand out, gesturing to hand over the moon. Sans had a look of determination in his eye. Blue eye, to be exact

"Gru. If you leave my family and the moon alone, I'll let you have me." Sans shouted.

Gru's smile twisted into an evil smirk.

"VES! COME TO VADDY!" Gru shouted, his arms now opened wide.

Sans turned to face Orbulon and KCalb, who were now sniffling and holding onto eachother for comfort. He walked up to them and kissed them both on the cheek.

"I guess we'll meet again, babes. Take care of White Baby for me, will ya?" Sans smiled sadly.

He then turned away and went with Gru. All that was left was the moon, Orbulon and KCalb, and The Squid Sisters. Oh yeah, they were still there I guess.

Will Sans ever reinite with his beloved?

Is Sans actually straight?

Is Gru going to take the moon?

Find out....

In the 63829292th episode of DragonBall Z.

Authors of this chapter:

Camaki and Snatchow

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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~{I'm So Gay For You}~ Kcalb x Sans x Orbulon!!!Where stories live. Discover now