epsiode 1 | meeting the family

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my face screws up as i admire the maxi dress in the mirror, smoothing down the material and getting out the wrinkles.

the dress is cream in colour, with a v-neckline that doesn't show too much cleavage. it's tight around my chest and cinches my waist but starts to flow out just past my thighs. i paired it with some nude sandals, matching purse and my hair is in a loose up-do.

i've already met odell's dad side before but never his mom and sister. all i know is that they've arranged a cute lunch at their place, and to be there after noon.

"dell!" i shout, knowing he couldn't hear me over the music but still tried anyways. "how do i look?"

luckily, i heard shuffling and then see his head pop out followed by his shirtless body. a whistle escapes his lips as he walks over to me, his teeth tugging on his bottom lip.

"i'm tryna be good, but you make it so hard. mentally and physically." my cheeks blush fiercely as i watch him in the mirror. his hands roam every square inch of my body, cupping a boob here and grabbing my butt there before smacking a kiss behind my ear. "you look so pretty."

my cheeks blush fiercely, and a shy giggle comes out. "c'mon, why aren't you dressed yet?" swatting his chest, i remove myself from his grasp to walk in our closet.

"i got distracted. was watching some fine ass woman getting ready, and i guess time just got the best of me." his shoulders shrug.

he's now with me in the closet as i apply perfume to my pulse points, and touch up my deodorant.

the sexual tension between us is thick. i can't remember the last time we had sex, but it's definitely been more than a couple weeks. o's been super busy in the gym and i've been wrapped up with stuff myself.

it's not helping he's wearing nothing but underwear either. his hands are resting on top of the door frame, checking me out. the deep v line he has is peeking out from underneath his boxers, the tattoos on his skin making everything ten times better.

i need to get away from my thoughts, so i point at his chest.

"go get ready."

"what if they don't like me?" i pout my lip, looking up at the gorgeous house in front of us.

by now, the sun had set and the night sky has taken over, allowing the lights from inside the houses to illuminate the street.

"y/n, listen. you don't need to worry. they'll love you. i promise." his hand caresses my thigh and reaches up to my chin, turning my head so my eyes could be distracted from the awaiting family inside of the townhouse.

a corner of his mouth quirks up, and i'm rewarded with a smile that sets me at ease. he leans over to kiss me, guiding my face with his hand, but not long before a couple of knocks were placed at my car window and we're drastically taken away from the moment.

a small girl with the exact same features of odell, grins widely. her brown hair just brushed the top of her shoulders, and a couple of bangles dances on her wrist as she continues to wave.

i feel odells' hand drop from my face, followed with a slight sigh. "meet my little sister, jazzy."

odell proceeds to open his car door, shutting it before making his way around the front and mouthing something to jazzy. he then opens my side of the door and offers a hand to help me out. i see jazzy run off back inside the house, and gladly take his hand.

"where did your sister go?"

"back inside. i told her to." he locks his car, keeping his arm locked securely around my waist. "before you ask me how you look again, you're beautiful. there's no way i can't not stop looking at you tonight. we should of skipped this and went straight to pound town."

"pound town?" i question, already knowing what he meant.

"don't play with me." his voice is low, but husky. and it makes a ache start to form in between my legs.

"perhaps not. i mean, your mom's now at the window waiting on us."

odell swivels around to face his mom, a bright smile plastered on his face before shortly turning around.

"you ready?"

odell was right, i had nothing to worry about. heather is really nice, almost exactly how odell pictured her out to be and we automatically connected. jazzy is incredibly sweet too and i can gladly say she's now my second best friend.

during lunch, a warmth is placed on my thigh and i look down from my food to see odells' incredulously large hand against the thin material of my dress. he creates more warmth by rubbing it against my leg slowly, a sudden lump arising in my throat when i know what he's up to.

"so y/n, what do you think of my son?" heather smiles and clasps her hands together.

"well, he's um–" i start, setting my fork down. odells' hand reaches further up along my leg, almost touching my sex as i look up to him, seeing that his face is completely sullen as he eats his food.

"thoughtful, loving, and i can always count on him to make me happy on my worst days." i rush out, clearing my throat. i try to push his hand away but it's no use. i feel myself getting wet.

"aw," heather coos. "now isn't that adorable?"

jazzy agrees, taking a sip of her juice before looking directly at me. "totally. odell's a lucky man."

i smile at the both of them, feeling my dress being pulled up effortlessly by odell as he slips a hand underneath. my breath hitches in my throat when he begins to trace circles on my lace underwear where my clit is, and i become uncomfortable in my seat.

heather notices—seeing as she's right in front of me—and furrows her eyebrows. "are you cold, darling? i can put the heating on for you. just give me a second." she starts to get up from her seat, but i stop her with a gesture of my hand.

"no, no. i'm not cold. i just need the bathroom." i push odells' hand away from me and readjust my dress before getting up and leaving everyone in the kitchen.

the sudden ache in between my legs has now created a needed desire for odell, also noticing how soaked my underwear is right now as i try everything in my mind to erase the thoughts of fucking.

running my hands through my hair in frustration, i go to shut the door, but not long before odell pushes his way through with a devious look on his face.

"what are you doing, you tryna make me look like a moaning mess in front of your family?" i whisper hiss.

"i did warn you. we should of fucked before we came out." he's pinned against me in a second, and his mouth begins to travel down my neck, his hot breath fanning across my skin as he goes to pull up my dress once again.

"dell, please. we can't do this right now. i don't feel comfortable." my dress is dropped in an instant and he distances himself from me, holding my shoulders. "i mean, it's kind of disrespectful fucking in your mom's house when she's here. no?"

the lust in his eyes has died down, nodding his head in agreement.

"you right, baby. i've just been so sexually frustrated lately."

"you're not the only one." i chuckle, holding his face and kissing his lips. "tonight." i nuzzle his nose with mine, before we walk out the bathroom together, hand in hand to join jaz and heather in the garden.

imagines - odell beckham jr. (editing)Where stories live. Discover now