episode 4 | let me take care of you

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i'm surprised i made it home. my eyes are stinging from exhaustion, and my whole body aches. work was brutal today and all i wanted to do was have a hot, bubble bath, eat some good food and curl up on the sofa with my book.

i'm inside the house and locking the door behind me, placing my keys in the bowl and stepping out of my shoes like it's the most painful thing to do.

dell is nowhere to be seen until i hear profanities being shouted from the kitchen. the smell of burnt food enters my nostrils and my appetite is instantly thrown off when i see a tray of lasagna burnt to a crisp on the island.

"hey, baby." he's at my side in a second, swaddling me up and kissing me all over. the stimulation is too much, so i'm grimacing and trying to push him away.

"odell. can you just–" i'm starting to get frustrated. "give me some space. please."

he backs away, looking at me all concerned. "what's wrong?" i swallow past the lump in my throat, running my hands down my face in an attempt to stop myself from crying but it doesn't work. the tears start to fall and my nose sniffles.

in a swift second, i'm back in his arms. he's cradling me tight, his head in the crook of my neck and his hands rubbing me soothly.

that's what i love about dell. he never pressures me to answer him, he lets me answer when i'm ready. it can be right now, in the middle of the night or a couple of days. he's so patient with me & it's one of the main reasons we've lasted for nearly nine years now.

i'm crying pathetically, probably creating a massive damp patch in the centre of his chest. i'm kissed on the forehead before he reels back to look at me.

"you let me know when you wanna talk about it. come, sit down for me." he gently guides me to a bar stool as i wipe my tear-stained cheeks. "you hungry?"

i'm too upset to talk, so i shake my head no and stare at the island in front of me.

"so that's a yes." he whips out his phone from his pocket. "i'm gonna order in."

after we ate, odell ended up running me the bubble bath i so desperately wanted, lighting my favourite candles and giving me a couple kisses before giving me some alone time. when he heard i was done, he came back with a heated towel from the dryer and then went off again.

i'm more relaxed as i'm in our shared bathroom, doing the last step of my skincare routine when i feel his presence from behind.

his hand slides along my butt gently as he walks past, watching him start to do his skincare routine i got him on some time ago. i'm kind of surprised he's still doing it.

"work was really bad today." i break the silence, finishing up on my teeth. "i didn't mean to lash out on you, i'm sorry."

"y/n," he's patting his face with his towel. "there's no need to apologise. you're allowed to have emotions, things can get too much sometimes."

"yeah, but you're always on the back end of it and i feel bad because you don't deserve that."

"i'm not bothered by it." he shrugs, now brushing his teeth. "i'd rather you be comfortable being you, than bottling it up and keeping it to yourself. nothing worse than that."

he's right. he always is in these situations. we walk out of the bathroom together, odell turning off the light as i climb into bed.

we talk for a bit more, making out a few times and giggling with each other before my tiredness starts to creeps up on me again. i'm on my side with my leg hiked up on odell, whilst he strokes my hair and looks down on me with so much admiration it hurts.

my eyes start to get heavy and before i know it, we're both fast asleep.

imagines - odell beckham jr. (editing)Where stories live. Discover now