Chapter 17

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Quick note like I said in chapter...... chapter......uhh..... Hold on



anyways like I said then I am only a freshman during this time so I have no idea how proms actually work so don't credit any proms off of me


One year later

"Alex, John is here!" Martha called. He ran to the living room where Martha had called from and saw John standing there in his suit with his hair in a bun. Alex was dressed the same but with his hair pulled back into a ponytail. Alex smiled and ran up and hugged him.

"Hey Babygirl." John greeted and kissed the top of Alex's head.

"Joooohn. Not in front of Martha and George." Alex protested.

"Oh hush." Martha said. "It's adorable. Now c'mon, I need some pictures."

The two turned to face Martha as she got her phone out to take some pictures. She started counting and as soon as she said three John turned and kissed the side of Alex's head, making him blush.

"This is the greatest picture I've ever taken." Martha said. Alex's face was still red.

"Alright, well we should probably head out." John said, stifling a laugh.

"Yeah, you two get on with it. I'll see you two later."


When they walked inside, everything was in full swing. They quickly found everyone near the food. Peggy, much like last time, was stuffing her face. They didn't get to say much before John was pulling Alex out onto the dance floor.

"John! Why are we dancing? We were still talking to them."

"Well, last year wasn't that great, so I wanted to make it up this year. If that means we sadly have to ditch our friends for a bit, so be it. We see them practically everyday already."

Alex laughed but went along, wrapping his arms around John's waist. Since neither one if them could really dance, they opted to just sway to the music. Alex had closed his eyes and leaned his head on John's shoulder, his face buried into his neck while John set his head on top of Alex's and held him close. It seemed to be just the two of them swaying peacefully until Peggy ran up.

"Hey, lovebirds, we gotta go vote for Homecoming King and Queen."

"Do we have to?" Alex mumbled.

Peggy just rolled her eyes and grabbed their arms to drag them off of the dance floor. They headed over to the table where there was already a small crowd who were voting. The three of them voted before Peggy dragged them off again to the food.

"Don't think you can get away that easily." She said grinning as she pulled them back over to the whole group. As they rejoined everyone, Eliza looked up.

"Hey guys! Did Peggy drag you over here?"

"Yep." Alex told her. Eliza sighed and looked at Peggy.

"Let the boys have some time to themselves. We'll see them later!"

"Fine," Peggy replied, pouting. John mouthed 'Thanks!' and dragged Alex back out to the dance floor.

"Where were we?" John asked, grinning as he wrapped his arms around Alex again. Alex laughed, tilting his head up to kiss him.

"So who do you think is going to win Homecoming King and Queen?" He asked after he pulled away.

"No clue. They should be announcing it in a bit, though."

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