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I woke up again later, I felt a little more awake now, but I had a soaking wet pull up. I sat up and saw Jade typing away at her computer, she had headphones in and her glasses on. I smiled, she looked quite cute actually... I shook the thought away quickly and threw the duvet off me. My feet touched the carpeted floor and I giggled, it was so soft. I stood up and tucked bubblegum, who was a handsome unicorn) under my arm and shuffled to mama... wait what? Jadey... she turned and saw me moving towards her, she pulled one headphone out and moved her knee out then tapped it. I sat myself on it. "Oh, you've got a heavy pull up." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "mhmm." I giggled and turned, I rested my head on her shoulder. "What time is it?" I asked nervously. "11." She whispered and stroked my hair. "Oh okay." I replied. "Did you sleep well?" She asked. I nodded. I noticed she was writing an essay on her laptop. I don't reeber getting an essay set... "What's dat for?" I asked and pointed at the screen. "Managment class, you don't have it." She said softly and kissed my head. "Oh." I replied. "Jed's coming over at 1, with Theo." Jadey whsipered and carried on stroking my hair. "Otay." I muttered. "Baby?" I heard her muutter. "Yeah?" I asked nervously. "You're not going home at all this break are you?" She asked me. "Nuh uh, my mums in Austrailia on a business trip." I replied sadly. "Well, me and Jed are going to see our families for new year." She began. "Don't go." I pleaded. "Let me finish sweetheart." She chuckled. I nodded and blushed at my clinginess. "I was going to let you come, you, me, Jed and maybe Theo." She smiled. I instantly felt bad. "I'd love to." I said softly. "Baby, are you sure? You don't have to." I nodded and looked down. "Perrie..." She said sternly. "Yeah?" I asked and began playing with her fingers. "Do you definitely want to come?" She seemed sad now. "I do." I said as convincigly as possible. I really do want to go but I just don't think I'm ready, I feel like with my anxiety and the new people and being little, it will all be too much for my little brain to handle. But I can't tell Jade. "Let's get you cleaned up." She whispered and tapped my back. 

3 hours later.


I had Perrie sat in between my legs as I braided her hair and she watched Peppa Pig on my laptop when there was a knock at the door. "Jedddd!!" Perrie screeched. "COME N!" I shouted after. Jed walked into our dorm with Theo following behind. "Hey," I smiled and waved ather with my free hand. "Hi." She mumbled. "Come on Theo baby, don't be shy." Jed smiled and pushed her gently in front of him. "Dada..." She groaned and hid her face in his neck. I 'awwed' at them. "Hey poopey. Happy Birthday!" He said gently and kissed my cheek. "Wait... it's your birthday... I forgot!" Perrie whispered and tried to turn her hed. "Keep still silly." I mumbled to her and moved her head back. "But yes it is my birthday." I laughed. "sorry I forgot." She whsipered. "Don't worry, I don't like birthdays that much." Ilaughed and kissed the back of her neck. I felt the bed dip next to me and I looked to see Theo sat there contently. SHe was watching me do Perrie's hair. "Hey babe, you alrigt?" I asked. SHe nodded. "Can you do my hair to?" She asked softly. "What do you say Theo?" I heard Jed say from across the room. "Sorry, please can you do my haor to?" She asked and blushed. "I can, let me just finish Perries. And lovely manners." I winked at her and she blushed. 

"So are you coming with us on new years Perrie?" Jed asked as he played with the dinosuar alaphabet toy. Perrie nodded. "Theo's coming to!" Jed smiled and kissed Perrie's cheek. "DADA!! I WANT KISSY TOO!" Theo bounced. "Stay still baby." I said to her softly. "Sorry." She mumbled. Jed laughed and came to kiss Theo's cheek. "Thank you Dada." She muttered and smiled. I noticed Perrie had moed herslef next to my feet. "Are you okay sweetheart?" I asked and stroked her head. "Mhmm." She replied and played with the cuff of my jeans. "There we go, all done." I said and flicked theo's new braids. "Thank you Jade." She smiled gently. "Perrie, do you want to play?" She asked innocently. Perrie shook her head and hid it behind my leg as much as she could. "Why? Please Perrie..." Theo groaned. "Theo, just give her a minute."I said to her gently. I sat down on  the floor next to Perrie. I wrapped my arm around her and she rested her head gently on my chest. I noticed how fast her breathing was. "Deep breaths, in for 8 hold for 3 out for 10." I whispered to her. She tried to slwo it down. "Good girl, keep going." I whispered to her again and moved some baby hairs out of her eyes. She looked up at me with pooly blue eyes. "No tears, come on you're okay."I whispered and wiped her eyes gently. "Jadey..."  She whined. "shhhh," I soothed her. "Deep, slow breaths. There's nothing to be scared about." I said to her gently. "Are you okay?" Theo walked over slwoly and put her hand on Perrie's leg before I could stop her. Perrie flinched and moved away quickly. "Thwo sweetheart, give her some space, go to dada." I said gently. Perrie was hyperventerlating and tears were rolling down her blushed cheeks. I walked to her slowly. "Shhh, it's just me..." I whispered gently to her. "Mama." She cried out. I sighed in relive and went to sit next to her, she burried her head in my shoulder. She just called me mama...


I hoep you liked!! xxx

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