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Today, we had college. I had a trip with my choir today so I wasn't going to be with Perrie at all until after all the classes had finished. She knew this and she acted okay but I knew inside she was dreading it. We haven't had a day away from each other since she started and now I'm just going. She was just waking up and I was already dressed. "Mama?" I head her whimper. "Good morning Pez." I smiled and went to sit next to her on the bed. She smiled sweetly at me and rubbed her eyes. She made sure she had Bubblegum and then sat up. She shuffled closer to me and rested her head on me. I kissed her cheek and rubbed her back. "Did you sleep well?" I asked her. She mumbled a 'yes' in reply. "Good." I smiled and held her in my arms a little longer. "You go today Mama?" She asked me sweetly. "I do." I sighed gently. "You going to be a good, brave little lion for me today?" I asked her. She blushed and nodded. "I twy." She said. "Thank you." I replied and kissed her head. "Come on, let's get you changed before I have to go." I whispered and helped her out of bed, her legs were always a little wobbly in the morning. "Good girl, go and lie down, I'll get your clothes." I whispered to her. She shuffled to her changing area and led down. She was rubbing her eyes and chewing gently on Bubblegums horn. I went and sat down in front of her after I grabbed her clothes. I ran my fingertips down her legs making her giggle loudly. Her morning giggle was the cutest sound she makes.  I quickly changed her nappy to a pull up. I put her tights on and slid them up past her padded bottom. She was so content when I got her dressed. "Sit up for me princess." I whispered to her, she did grabby hands so I took her hands and sat her up. She clapped her hands and leaned in to kiss my head. She was so cute. "Arms up baby girl." I smiled at her. She did so and I lifted off her Tinkerbell pyjama top. I helped her put her bra on and then pulled her white t-shirt over the top. "Now, let's stand up." I said she did so and jumped gently. "Step in." I smiled, and held her skirt out at her feet. She took hold of my shoulder and stepped in. "Yayyy I dwessed!" She cheered. I laughed at her. "Let's go and gets breakfast, I'll leave you with Jed and then I'll have to go." I smiled. "No Mama, please don't go." She whispered and looked st me with sad eyes. "I'll be back at 5!" I said to her gently. "I no win will I?" She asked me. "I'm afraid not princess. Let's just go and get some yummy food." I said to her. She held my hand and walked close to me.

Mama just left and now I'm with Jed. "You alright Pez?" He asked and rubbed my back. I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder. "She'll be back later." He smiled and kissed my head. I nodded and sighed out heavily. "oh babe, let's go to lesson." Jed smiled and rubbed my back. I nodded and got out of my seat. We walked slowly to our class. I had my books in my hand. ""hey, please e happier, I know you've never been away from her before but she'll be back!" Jed cheered and kissed my cheek. "yeah, I know. I'm just not used to her not being here." I whispered. "That's alright sweetheart. But she'll be back!" he smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Yeah, thanks Jed." I replied.

A few hours later
"Okay, I want all your essays completing tonight and emailed to me by 12am. If not, sanctions will be put in place." My teachers exclaimed as the bell rang. I sighed out frustratedly. I just wanted to be little with Jade tonight. I didn't want homework due for midnight. "None of that sighing Miss Edwards." The teacher shouted and pointed his finger angrily at me. I blushed and panicked like crazy, all eyes were now on me. Ermmmmm fuck! "Er..erm I'm so-sorry." I stumbled out. Everyone around my laughed at my embarrassed state. I really was stuck. I was in the middle of the chess, I had no clean exit. "I don't want a sorry Miss Edwards, I want you to come up here and read your opening paragraph to the class!" My teacher shouted again. I gulped nervously. 15 pairs of eyes were all on me. I can't even read that fluently. "Now! Miss Edwards!" I heard the voice scream through my ears, this wouldn't happen if Jade wasn't on her trip. Oh myyyyyy. I stood up, my legs shaking furiously. Breathe Perrie, in and out. In and out.  I slowly made my way to the front of the class and looked around. I only saw one familiar face and that was one of Jed's band mates. Shit. I shuddered internally. And held my paper in my hand. I'm surprised it wasn't shaking as much as my knees. "Begin Edwards." The teacher glared. "Th-the effect of...." god I can't do this. I threw my paper down and ran out the door. Jed was already waiting and he ran after me. I entered a random store closet and tried to calm my heavy breathing. "Perrie, let me in." Jed said. I moved from the door and it opened. He entered then closed it again behind him. "What happened?" He asked hocked. "H-he ma-made me re-read in fr-front of th-the cla-classs." I mumbled sadly. He sighed and took me into his arms. "You're alright." He whispered and stroked my back. I nodded and settled at his touch, he was just as easy for me as Jade but me and Jade clearly had more than the little, caregiver relationship. I would LOVE for it to be something more!

I'd just got back and I was walking up to the dorm. I had a couple messages from Jed saying how she had a panic attack durning third period and also at lunch. I was just hoping she would be okay now I'm back. I quickly knocked on the dorm dorm and walked on in. Sure enough, my baby was sat on the floor, she had Tinkerbell, Baloo, and Bubblegum all sat around her, and she was colouring a gorgeous picture. "Perrie, look who's back!" I heard Jesy exclaim. Perrie lifted her head, she looked so adorable. She had a pacifier in her mouth and her hair tied back in Dutch braids. She gasped, causing the pacifier to fall out but she didn't care. She stood straight up, running right into my arms.

I hope you guys liked!! X

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