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Once Perrie had finally accepted my comfort, I took her hand and went to sit with her on the sofa. "I wouldn't sit down if I were you," Perrie giggled and looked at Leigh and Jesy. "Huh, why?" I asked, Leigh was blushing madly and I noticed her hide in Jesy's neck. Perrie leaned into me, "they were having Sex when I walked in," she giggled. I laughed and looked over at my best friends. "Honestly Pez, I've walked in on them loads, they did it in my bed once." I just laughed and sat down. "Ewww!" Perrie laughed but still sat on my knee. "Sweetheart, I want you to tell me what you think about Mads being little." I sighed and rubbed her leg. She just rolled her eyes. "Why'd you do that?" I asked confused. She shrugged, "it's just, is she doing it to get to me? Like I don't know but it's really confusing because she's been being so mean to me lately and I've learnt to overcome that so is this her new way of getting to me?" She asked and fiddled with her hands. "I don't think it is princess, she seemed like it helps her calm down. She hasn't been very nice because she's been frustrated that you can be little and she couldn't." I reassured, she raised her eyebrows. "She could have just said it," Perrie mumbled. "She was scared of how we'd react Pez." I sighed. "What if it ends up being like Theo?" She asked, shyly. I sighed, I hated thinking about her! "She won't, Theo wasn't genuine. We've known Madelaine for a month, and she's always been interested! Though with Theo we'd literally known her a day and she was too comfortable." I explained. "You don't think she'll be like Theo at all?" Perrie whispered. I shook my head and pulled her closer to me. "Okay," she mumbled and stayed close to me. After a few moments of silence, she sat up again, "you don't think she's copying me?" She asked. Leigh laughed and Jesy rolled her eyes. "Perrieeeeee," I whined. "What?" She asked. I just shook my head. "Baby girl, Mads is being little to be little, nothing to do with you! She's been interested in it since she started okay, try and stop being so paranoid," I whispered and stroked her hair. Perrie just nodded and hugged me.
Jesy put a film on, and Leigh cuddled up to her whilst I cuddled Perrie. Soon enough, I heard her fall asleep on me.
Just as the film was about to finish, my phone started ringing, it was an unknown number but I answered it anyway.
"Hello?" I greeted.
"Hello, is this Jade Thirlwall?" A voice asked down the phone,
"It is, who's speaking sorry?"
"Hi, it's Alex Chamberlain from the police station, I talked to you and Perrie last week," he said!
"Ah yes, hi Alex. Is everything okay?"
"Well that's why I'm calling, I was wondering if you and Perrie are free to come and have a chat at the station tomorrow?"
"Erm yeah, we both finish lessons at 1:30, we can get a taxi there by 2:30."
"Actually, I'm going to send a police car to pick you up at 2, it would be safer if you both stay on campus till then as well,"
"Erm okay. Yeah, we can meet a car at the main entrance at 2."
"Okay thank you Miss Thirlwall, remember, please stay on campus until tomorrow." 
"We will sir, thank you." 
"See you tomorrow Miss Thirlwall," he said before hanging up. 

I looked at my phone confused, her sounded so uncomfortable about us leaving campus, is it really that serious? "Who was that?" Jesy asked, I looked up and explained what the officer had said. "That's weird," Leigh said nervously. 

It was about 6pm now and I was getting hungry, I know Perrie would be as well, she woke up 5 minutes ago and I'd just finished telling her what the police told us. "We can't miss food since we can't leave to go and get more so come on," I said and stood up. She nodded and reached for my hand. Jed had text me saying him and Mads are going to the dinner hall so we were going to meet them there. Perrie was still not fully slipped so I'm hoping she'd be able to give Mads a big girl apology! All four of us walked through the hallways, as soon as we walked through the doors of the dinning room, we could see Jed and Madelaine, they were sat opposite each other on a big bench. We quickly joined them, I slid in next to Jed, Perrie went and sat next to Mads which was shocking but nice to see, Leigh sat next to me and Jesy went next to Perrie. 
"I'm sorry," Perrie whispered and looked at Mads with apologetic eyes. "It's okay, I totally understand why you would be upset but I promise I'm not trying to take anything away from you! I'm just little, nothing more." Mads replied, genuinely. I smiled widely as Perrie nodded and rested her head on Madelaine's shoulder, the girls hugged! 
"Erm, what are you doing tomorrow?" I asked Jed quietly. 
"I have lessons till 12, other than that nothing. Why?" He replied. 
"The police called, they erm want me and Pez to go in at 2 but they are coming to pick us up, they were really concerned about us leaving campus, like people are waiting to get her." I admitted. "Can you come with us?" I asked nervously, he looked at me and wrapped one arm around my shoulders. 
"Of course I will, I wouldn't want you going through that alone and I'm sure they just want to take some precautions. Nothing will be waiting for you." he reassured, I nodded and settled into his touch. Just as I was about to say something else, Perrie's belly rumbled, we all stopped talking and looked at her! she blushed bright red but we just laughed it off. I decided I was pretty hungry as well so I stood up and motioned for Pez to come with, we went and joined the line for food. 
"Thank you for saying sorry to Mads," I whispered and hugged her from behind. 
"It needed to be done, I went a little overboard with it," she giggled, I nodded in agreement but kissed her cheek. 

Wow! I double updated!!! I hope you all liked! x

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