Mr footballer meets his childhood crush 5.

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I was greeted with a bucket full of water. Can you believe it ? A bucket full of water. The cheerleader from this morning decided she wanted to be my enemy and here I was in the middle of the cafeteria my head, face and shirt dripping with water.

I took a deep breath in then out and at this point all i wanted to do was beat the crap out of this girl but i  decided  that she was mentaly unstable and just needed the attention to get her panties tied up from all these big headed football jocks.

See now I went right with what i did next, the art of deflection. heheher

To master this skill you have to change the situation so it wont be imbarassing on you, the next move i did was just pure brilliance if i say so myself.

I pulled the band out of my pony tail which was soaking, bend forward to squeeze the water out and flipped my hair back in slow motion sexy flip, i fought with myself on the next move but went with it. I lifted my white soaking now see through shirt in a sexy but collected way just above my belly  which had a piercing in it, not only that but the sexiest part of my body was my sexy cook island design tatto, not only was it hot but guys eyes melt at the glimpse of it and ive been told that at the sight of it they wants to run their tounge all over it which i think is just straight out disgusting.

Last thing i did was squeeze the water out while shaking my head side to side in slow motion. Hair flying side to side. I bit down on my lip and inocently looked at the girl that poured water on me and dropped a "thanks darls, that was just what i needed on this awfully hot day."

A smirk on my face I turned around and fanned my face while walking towards the line. Everyone was so caught up in what had happened that it didnt register that i walked right pass them straight to the front of the line.

I felt eyes on my body and i didnt want turn around and meet those lustful eyes roaming every bit of see-through bit of my body that they could lay their eyes on.

Skip to end of school.

The day seemed to go by like a snail. Guys constantly asking for my number and eye-thrashing me or asking me on a date. I was so annoyed at this point and just wanted to either ninja poke them in the eyes or just kick them where the sun dont shine.

I texted my cousins to pick me up knowing well that id be hasseled if i walk.

After looking around to see if the hall was clear I dashed to the entrance hopefully not attracting any attention to myself because after that scene in lunch room Ive been attraction guys like magne........ uhhhhhhhhmm.

Rubbing my nose i looked up and straight into the eyes of.......... Cliffy !

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