Mr foot baller meets his childhood crush ...2

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2006 (Second encounter)

It was the start of the year for college ( in America I think you call it high school?) for me and I had a piece of paper with my schedule on it. Me and one of My friend from Intermediate was in the same class and we started school a week late and was looking for our home-room. I wasn't looking where I was going and I bumped into someone's hard back, I quickly said my apologies but when I looked up there he was , Max Tanner the boy who hit my face with the door in Intermediate. Max turned and blushed and I just smiled at him which caused him to blush some-more. " Oh sorry Max I didn't know where I was going".

" Its alright Elizabeth" he said shyly and went to walk away till I remembered.

" Max, Hold on " I yelled out to him which caught some students attention making Max Blush even more. Dang what is with this boy and blushing my mind rumbled on.

" do you know where room 94 is ? miss Zanders homeroom class?" I asked

He shook his head and left.

It was the end of the school day and I headed back home. I found out that Max DID know where Miss Zanders class is since he was in it. Stupid Idiot made us late just to find out that he was in the same class.

Term three came and I was the IT girl at school but not those bimbo once NO! I was known for my bubbly personality and beauty, My friends use to say but I just laugh and tell them that they are more beautiful. I have notice that Max hasn't been to school for the past two weeks so I decided to ask Salom, his cousin after school if he was alright, he said that Max moved to the states with his family.

That was the day  I found out that I liked Max and that was the day that I felt a piece of me was missing.


I should have told her, Im such a fool. All these years since that first day I saw her I knew she was the one my heart belonged to. Im in America now and still cant stop thinking about her. My Love , My everything , Elizabeth Taylor. I hope she stays the same.


Sorry you wont hear from max for a long time so yeah.


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