Mr footballer meets his childhood crush.6

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"Hey babe, Whats the rush."

Mr Jock from this morning decided to suprise us with his presence and with the lustful look in his eyes I knew exactly what he wanted.

What everyone wanted since lunch and the one thing im dredding.

If I wasnt in suck a rush to get out of here Id be standing there giving him hell but I wasnt in the mood and Daemon was here to pick me up.

I  left him crouching since my knee accidentally found its way to his crown jewels ! hehehe

I got out and sprinted to the car. "DRIVE I YELLED." 

guys chacing me to get a chance to be on a date and maybe further but heck no are they getting any of this. * Evil laugh. 

Daemon stepped on the petal and out of the school gate and to safety.

"WTF  Liz (nickname), what the fuck was that all about ?" My brother and cousin growled.

"Yeah cuz, that..". she said pointing to the group of guys yelling out for my number. "is stangeringly HOT." 

"Well this cheerleader came up to me in the cafeteria and poured water on me and well....."  telling them the rest of what happened on my eventful day. A pout on my face I looked at the mirror where i found my cousin with a smile on his face followed my a shake of the head.

"I dont see why this is funny Dae." My brother Growled under his teeth followed by a light punch on Dae's shoulder. 

"We need you to be transfered to our school asap because I aint having that happen to you with me not around." 

"And if they ever put a finger on you, you call me straight away and il have dae drive me here to beat them up k?" Mouthing what I knew he would say because Ive had this talk with him so many times that its expected.

"And dont you mime what im saying at the back there." He said annoyed , knowing damm well that I just mimed what he had just recently said.

With Lilly giggling next to me we arrived home in no time.

Throwing my bag to the side of the door me and Lilly went to help mum with dinner while the boys went straight to their console.

Dinner time uncle came down to grab his dinner then went back to his room.

I could see Lilly and Dae were effected by this.

Going from having a happy family dinner to not having either of their parents here at all.

 In bed and slowly drifting to sleep and the last thought in mind was the memory of that young boy. The one that fills my dreams ..........................................Max.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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