Mr foot baller meets his childhood crush ...3

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Present day....

These last few years for me and my brother and Mother has been hard not only that but My Uncle and cousins too. My Aunty( mums brothers wife/ mums bestfriend also known as Aunty Margret ) had passed away and we are moving to the states, Califonia Central to be exact to help my Unkle and Cousins for their lost.

[ I left behind my friends and Two Older brothers and am currently on the plane to The Land of the Brave/ Free]

The same time we arrived was the same time of aunty Margret's funeral so we jumbled around, grabbed our luggages and quickly caught a taxi to the church where the service was being held. We hopped out of the taxi with all our luggages and pulled them into the church while people was giving us weird look, Placing our stuff on the side of the foiyer. As we walked into the church a familiar Boy or should I say Man/Boy I swear Id seen before walk past me like he was in a rush , I looked back to see him disappear behind the church doors I shook it off and followed my mother and brother in. We walked into the service abit late and found everyone staring but we paid no attention and made our way to the front where My Unkle John sat along with Daemon and Lili.

I sat down beside my cousin Daemon he turned and saw it was me and cried. "Be strong cuz" I told him and placed his head on my sholder. I hadn't seen him since we were ten. The last Christmas we had together before they moved to the states where aunty Margret grew up. We had always kept in touch since then, updating each other on whats happening with school, Crushes, the family and so on. Seeing him now he was matured, he'd grown into a man. He had light brown eyes with dark chocolaty hair that curled down into his eyes. I also noticed Lili my cousin, Daemons little sister, we were the same age ,17 but she looked more of like her mum who had green eyes and straight black hair that the girls at home would kill for And last Unkle John , It broke my heart to see him like that , him and Daemon looked exactly the same but unkle looked older with some light wrinckles covering his face ,under his eyes and on his forehead. He loved Margret with all his heart , it was love at first sight for them. After mum brought margret home from school he had fallen deeply inlove with her. I remember when we were young he use to tell us the story when he first saw her he was breatheless and coudnt eat or sleep which was weird coz unkle was quite the player in his teens till that day.  After all these years they had two children and still was madly inlove with each other but 2 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and lost her life to it.


Next chapter gets interesting .


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