Chapter 20

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A/N: SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR A WHILE!!! It's examination week. I'm studying and the computer is in front of me and is all like, "Come on, ______, I know you want to use me and go on YouTube, Facebook, Quotev, and watch anime~!" and I'm all like, "Oh hell no! I'll be studying hard so I can have my own laptop and use it wherever and whenever *cue 'z' snap*" and it's all like, "Oh hell no, gurl! *cue 'z' snap*" "Oh hell yeah, gurl! *'z' snap*" I have arguments with non-living things and I have arguments and conversations in my head. It happens when I'm bored or I don't have anyone to talk to. Welp, don't waste your time on this author note. ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!!!!!


Hikari's P.O.V

I woke up with the sun rays peeking through the curtains. Ugh, why do I have to be woken up from the best part of the dream?! Can a ninja like me get some more sleep and continue her dream?! Go away!


I stood up and closed the curtains. I huffed and jumped in bed. I was about to go back to Dream Land when something tapped on the window. WHAT NOW????????!!!!!!!!!! I stomped towards the window and threw open the curtains.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT YA PIECE OF A SH*T????!!!! DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE'S TRYING TO SLEEP HERE????!!!!!" I yelled angrily at....... at........ at........... at....... at............ at........... at an eagle. Kami, this is embarrassing!! >.<

"Uh, what do you want?" then I spotted a scrolled up paper in its claws. The eagle dropped the scrolled up paper and flew away. I took the paper and opened it.

Dear Hikari,

I found out you're not with your siblings and you're somewhere because your brother and sisters sent me back a letter that you're not with them and you can't read the letter I gave them because you're hiding from them because of something they don't want me to know. The eagle has been pecking on random windows for you until he found you already. Anyway, we are making an alliance with the Akatsuki because we have an upcoming war with a clan. It's been fusing some people and things up making them even many. And we know the responsible clan for this is the Yugo Clan. I know they're one of your clan's allies but I think they betrayed your clan. Oh, I almost forgot. The Akatsuki are gonna live in the Tenshi Mansion. Farewell, Hikari.


Lady Hokage

My bangs shadowed my eyes and I crumpled the letter. T-They betrayed us..... They betrayed us...... THE BETRAYED US!!!!!!!! I rip the letter into pieces and the pieces fell down the floor. I started shaking. W-We trusted them! S-So that's why she left us........ That b*tch! I growled and teleported back to the mansion.

"NII-SAN!!! YUMI!!!! YUKI!!!!!!!" I yelled. I heard footsteps running towards me.

"Yes, Hikari?" Yoru asked.

"Are the guest rooms ready for the Akatsuki?" I asked, giddy, completely forgetting the Yugo Clan betraying us (not). Yoru smiled and nodded. I almost jumped in joy (almost).

"Yay! Yay! Konoha is having an alliance with the Akatsuki! Yay!" Yumi and Yuki cheered while skipping around Yoru and I. Yoru chuckled and I giggled. We really are having an alliance with them. I grinned. That means none of them are dying. Then I frowned. But what if........ No! Think positive! Think positive! I took deep breaths and grinned. The Akatsuki are gonna be our ally! Stop worrying about the Yugo Clan's betrayal. They're nothing to us anymore! This is gonna be awesome!!!


A/N: I changed the cover photo. Yuki is still on the left while Yumi is still on the right. And Yoru looks different than the old one. Well, stay tuned for the next chapter!

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