Chapter 41

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George and I turned to face them. "Guys what happened?!!" I asked worriedly. "They took him away again?" Paul asked as tears ran down his face.


I forgot to tell them about the mass. They'd passed out when I began to cry Into Ringo last night, and they left early that morning I realized...

"Y-yeah.." I said shakily. "I saw him being wheeled down the hall and he was crying..." Paul began. John had his hand on Paul's shoulder as tears ran down his face. "He said they forced you out of his bed..." Paul said before turning around and crying into John. "Why are you so upset Paul...?" I asked as i put my hand on his.

"Because...I's silly really but the way he looks at you...just how In love you guys just reminds me of what I read once," he stopped. "What was it..." I asked nervously.

"It's like:

The way he held her hands

The way she looked at him

The way his eyes sparkled when she walked into the room

The way she blushed whenever she saw him

The way they looked at each other..

They were in love..."

He finished and I had begun to cry as images flashed into my head of Ringo and I... "Paul that was beautiful..." I said as I hugged him. I looked up at John and he was crying as his arms were wrapped around Paul, and so were mine. We cried for awhile until a knock at the door was heard.

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