Chapter 3

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This chap is in a guys POV. If you guys read my other books then you will know im not that great with guy POV's! but ill try my hardest not to make it laughable.


Chapter 3

Karly stopped the car outside the pub that looks like a shack. With a sigh she looks at me, "Its 2 in the morning Damian. Do we have to do this now?" Karly says and turns off the car.

I put a book mark in my book, which was the Sherlock Holmes The Hound of the Baskervilles my favorite, and put it in the glove box. "No Karly we cant, we have a killer running around and we have you stop him."

"Love how you assume its a guy already." She murmers and gets out.

"Excuse me let me correct my self." I say and get out. "We have to stop the killer, or person or it. How ever you want to put it."

"Thank you,"She says and walks to the door.

I follow her mumbling, "Pain in my ass." And open the door for her. She walks I without another word. I walk in and see a hand full of people sitting in chairs and some police men questioning some of them.

There was a man really up set, fingers lased together staring at that ground and shaking his leg. My guess he is either a boyfriend, want to be boyfriend or brother judgeing by his state. No one would be acting like this unless they are emotionly attacted to the victom. How do i know? Simple really, he is here for a reason. He was either close to the room the victom was killed or knows them. Why would he be freaking out like this if he was just next to the door? He must know the person. Or is late but i believe it is my first choice.

The others looked clue less why they where there. And one girl was talking to Carl. She was about in tears and looked really worried. Missing someone... Carl pointed to the chair next to him and she nods and sits down.

"Karly, Damian." Carl says and waves his hand over to where he is. We walk over and he points to each of them. "The man down there is the girls boyfriend," Knew it, "The group of people there, saw the body and were closest to the bathroom door where the crime was commited. That girl saw the body and this girl next to me says that two hours ago her friend walked to the bathroom and she hasnt seen her since."

And that might be out culprit . Or anyone else in the stupid club. Karly walks over to the boyfriend and starts questioning him.Some of the other police officers went to the other people and started questioning them. And i, looked for evidence. Most of these people here probably dont remember the persons face or if it was a male or female which is a big deal, elimantes half of the suspects.

I walk in the bathroom and looked around. All the police offers left so i would have more room. I walked in the middle of the room and kneeled down to the huge puddle of blood. Heavily ingured, at least a gallon and half of blood here. I look to where the body was dragged. The person must have been in a hurry, the blood trail is all over the place and everywhere. I look at the mop next to matenance closet. Why didnt they clean it? It would have made it less obvious.

I get up and walked to the other bloody stall. I looked at those. Why are these different spot from the other blood spots? Maybe the killer started the attack in this stall then dragged her out there.

I look behind me. No because then there would be lots of blood leading to the pool. Theres tiny drops. I get up, Now the body and then the weapon.

I walk over to the body. About a inch cut straight across the trachea, loss of breathing, slow and painful. I look at her arms. Deep slashes across the wrist and forearms. But why? There just to much blood to see if theres anything. I get up and wallk out of the stall and look around. Where could you have hidden the weapon.

I look in the gardage, the mop bucket everywhere someone in a rush would have hidden it. I asked some of the others if they could look outside and find something that could have been used.

I sigh and looked around the room. I saw the toilet bowl lid off only a little bit. I walk over and remove it and saw a BO-KALS-47 in there. Very smart. I pull a bag out and put the blade in there trying not to ruin the finger prints.

"John!" I say and close the bag. I hand it to him. "The murder weapon as been found. And i think i am done here."

"Yes sir," He says and takes it and leaving. I sigh and walk to the mirror.

I havent slept for days. To many cases, i cant sleep with cases on my mind. I love it to much to just stop thinking about it. I want to feel the rush of excitment of catching the crimal. The excitment the chase. God its so much fun.

I went to turn on the water i saw blood in the sink. Killer must have washed off the victoms blood.

I walk out and there was a girl waiting for me. "Excuse me, detective." She says. "I know your thinking Leya killed her or shes one of the suspects but i know she didnt. She cant harm a fly, she to innocent. And she told me she wasnt feeling well thats why she left." She had tears in her eyes, and i can sence a lie in her.

I look at her almost with a glare. "Its the nice ones you need to worry about. They could be hiding so much from you and then explode." I say and walk away. I could hear her crying as i walk away. Yes I'm heartless but i speak the truth. "Karly." I say and she looks at me, "Come on i got all that i wanted from this."

Karly gets up and walks over yawning. "As did I." She says waving the note book.

We walk out and Karly walks to the car shivering like crazy. "When is this stupid storm going to go away." I shrug and walk to the passanger side of the car. I get in and pull out the book and begin to read again. Karly drive off. "You better leave me alone for a 24 hour sleep." She says yawning again.

"Work is work, we still have to get there at 10 still." I say without looking up from my book.

Karly groans and stops a stop light. "Why?"

"No pay check, no house, food, cloths, shopping..."

"I got it i got it... Geez your such a downer sometimes Damian."

"I'm being me, being me just so happens to annoy you." I say and continue to read.

"Damn straight," She says and drives to my place. She parks and looks at me. "Your taking your car on the way to work right?"

"Ya ya ya, i will, no more car pooling." I say and get out. I wave bye and walk in my house. This case is strange, wonderful.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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