Chapter 8 - The Plan

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Tapping my pencil on the edge of my desk, I observed Noah from my peripheral vision. He was half ignoring me and half focusing on math. After all the tension yesterday, we haven't exchanged any words or even seen each other up until now. What surprised me the most was the fact that he was even in class today.

Sally and Matt sat right beside me, just in case anything happened. From the looks of it though, it didn't seem like I was in danger, but I'm still glad to have such amazing friends.

The plan was to try and grab Noah's crystal while he wasn't looking. That would be pretty difficult to do though, since he always has his bag near him and rarely ever leaves for anything.

The only way to do that would be to create a diversion. The three of us haven't had time to create a detailed plan yet, so we're basing this off on improvisation. 

So, how could I possibly make Noah leave his seat? Anything I do would be suspicious to him.

My mind drifted back to the incident with the fire. Maybe I could pull the fire alarm.

I kept that idea noted, and tried to come up with more. I could also make him help me on an assignment and have Matt or Sally obtain the crystal, but it would definitely be a request out of the ordinary after pretty much becoming rivals with him as of yesterday.

I could also have the teacher make him give out papers or something that would keep him busy, but how would I explain myself for singling out Noah for a particular job?

The fire alarm was the most convenient plan. The catch is that if I get caught I'll have to face the consequences, and I have already gotten in trouble enough times this school year.

But it was my only choice. I can't make Sally or Matt do it, because I didn't have the heart to put the weight on their shoulders for something I came up with.

I took a deep breath, and turned around the explain my plan to Sally and Matt.

It took a little bit of convincing, but they eventually agreed to let me carry it out.

I apprehensively raised my hand and waited for the teacher to call on me.

"Yes, Ellie?" Mr. Davis asked as he acknowledged my presence. 

"May I go to the restroom?" I questioned politely to the unsuspecting man standing right in front of me.

"Yes, of course. Grab the hall pass on my desk." He told me before turning back to the lesson on the board.

I stood up and made my way down the row. Glancing back for a quick second, I caught a glimpse of my two best friends giving me a reassuring smile. It calmed me down slightly, and I grabbed the hall pass and walked to the door with more confidence this time. 

The cool breeze of the hallway graced me as I stepped out of the classroom. To my left, I could see my destination. The fluorescent red color of the fire alarm was difficult to miss. It's only been a few seconds, so I went to the water fountain to take a sip of water before carrying out my plan.

The refreshing water hit my lips and I took a long drink of water. It made me feel slightly better, but not for long. I straightened up again.

It was show time.

Every step I took toward the fire alarm was excruciating. Doubts were clouding my mind, but the will to help my friends and help Noah as well was keeping me motivated.

My steps quickened; I wanted to get this over with before I change my mind. The cool marble of the floor colliding with my shoes was suddenly louder than I had remembered, but it was probably just my paranoia getting to me. The volume of my footsteps was the same as it always was, how could it change? Nonetheless, I proceeded with softer steps.

My trail came to a halt, and I turned to my left. Now, all I had to do was pull the thing. Looking around, I found nobody nearby. It was now or never.

In that split second, my hand moved faster than I thought was even possible. The lever was surprisingly easy to pull; the cool metal brushed against my fingertips as I made contact. The adrenaline was kicking up and I started running even before the alarm sounded. 

There were no witnesses as I made my way speeding back to my math class. I was right in front of the door and about to enter when the students walked out.

"Ellie! There's a fire, go outside!" Mr. Davis shouted when he saw me.

"Alright, will do." I replied, and slid into the space in the single file line in between Sally and Matt.

We exchanged glances with each other. No words were needed; it was evident that I succeeded in the first half of my mission. Now for the hard part.

Mr. Davis was in front of everyone, so that was a good thing. The three of us were near the back of the line, and Noah was in front. We made a dash backwards toward the room. 

The students who were behind us gave us a weird look, but Sally explained that she forgot her phone, and that she needed it to call her mom in case anything happened.

The excuse must've worked, because they nodded and faced forward again. 

Matt was the first one to reach Noah's desk, and he rummaged through the backpack. Thankfully Noah kept a neat backpack, because Matt found the obsidian stone within seconds of unzipping the front pocket.

"Got it." He whispered, and we all sighed in relief. He put the stone in his pocket and we all walked back outside just in time.

Mission accomplished.

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