Chapter 2 - The Crystals

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Sally skipped along the hallways to the cafeteria, with me following her. Her hair was no longer in a ponytail and it was flowing freely behind her.

We passed by a trophy display and I glanced at my reflection. My grey eyes were beautiful as they always were. I am really grateful for my natural beauty, which I get from my mother. My dark brown hair was a bit messy from sports, so I tried to smooth it out. 

"So how was the first day of school?" I asked her.

"It was awesome!" She smiled and did a cartwheel. "I met a boy during science."

"Really? Who is it?" I ran to catch up to her.

"Matt Williams. He's super cute and smart." She giggled.

"Don't know him. But I'd like to meet him." I held the door open for her to enter.

"Maybe I'll introduce you to him tomorrow." She walked towards the janitor waiting for us at the other side of the room.

"That would be nice." I walked alongside with her. "Hello, Sir."

"Hello. The closet is to your right. There are brooms there, which you can use to sweep the floor." The janitor told us.

"Thank you!" We walked over to the closet to get supplies. I opened the door and turned on the lights. There were all sorts of things there, including items that were lost and found. It smelled like cleaning supplies and rotten food.

I covered my nose from the strong smell and walked inside to retrieve the broom. 

"Look at all of this! I really want to search for treasure now!" Sally exclaimed. 

"It's a closet, not a treasure chest." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Whatever you say, Ellie." She started rummaging through the items, throwing out random pieces of paper, pencils, and even lost sweaters. 

I picked up a broom and dust tray from the corner. "Sally, come on."

She continued to search through the pile, so I walked out to start cleaning the floor, leaving Sally to her own devices. 

The tables and floors were covered in food and spilled drinks, and I wondered what we would be doing right now if the food fight hadn't happened. I would probably be at my parents' bakery and helping them with the frosting. And for Sally, she has gymnastics practice. 

I was working for about 10 minutes while listening to music through my earbuds when Sally called out to me.

"Ellie! Get over here."

"What is it now?" I questioned, making my way to her.

"Look at these crystals I found!" In her palms, there were 2 crystals. One was blue and the other one was green. They were about the size of a quarter and shined more brightly than anything I have ever seen. 

"They're so pretty!" I gasped and picked up the blue one.

"I know right! Let's keep them!" She said, placing the green crystal in her backpack. "You can have the blue one."

I knew that it was wrong to take things that didn't belong to me, but these crystals were too special to give up. "Thanks! I'll keep this as well." I replied, putting it away in my pocket.

We finished cleaning the room, which took about 2 hours in total. 

Sally missed gymnastics practice today, so we went to the bakery to hang out until her mom can pick her up after work.

"So, what type of crystals do you think these are?" Sally sat down in one of the tables at the bakery. "I think mine is an emerald."

"Mine is probably a sapphire." I dropped off my bag next to my chair and took a seat beside her. 

The Power of the Elemental CrystalsWhere stories live. Discover now