Webby quickly thanks the waiter, and we leave. As we walk back to McDuck Manor, Dewey asks, "Hey Louie, now you HAVE to talk!" " Ok" I reply sadly.
"Well... I'm sad... because of..Mom, Ok!" I'm only half lying. Huey and Webby run toward me, and grab me into a bear hug. " I c-can't b-brea-the!" I huff out and they release.
"Hey Dewey, how come you never joined our bear hug?!" Webby says. "Well..."Dewey begins, but I interupt him. I know what he's gonna say.
"Look... I'm also sad 'cause... Uncle Scrooge... might send me to ... boarding school!!!"I say, almost bursting to tears, because I KNOW that's true!
That's when all of them hug me, including Dewey! " Hey, it's ok, we'll tell Uncle Scrooge not to send you!"Webby says! Huey and Dewey nod encouragingly. I just smile lazily.
"Look, we're here!" Dewey says, and we all enter silently. " LOUIE DUCK, COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" Uncle Scrooge shouts. " Oh no, we forgot to tell Scrooge we left, now he's gonna ground me! Thanks You guys!" I shout at them.
"But I told him we're going, and he was fine with that" Webby says. "Then...do you think he is gonna send me to.. b-boarding school!?" I ask, SUPER worried, my eyes welling a little. "We hope not, don't worry, we are crossing are feather/fingers for you!" They exclaim in unison.
"Okay," I say and Trudge over to Scrooge's Office. ...........................
"Oh, Louie, we got a...." Scrooge begins, but I cut him off. "Uncle Scrooge, no, you can't send me to boarding school Please!" I shout, pleading.
"Eh, lad, we aren't sending you,now, so don't worry!"He says. I'm relieved. (I miss the "now" part)
"So, as I was saying, your Uncle Gladstone has invited you to his penthouse." He continues.
"Really?!" I ask feeling REALLY excited. "But, he only invited you, laddie, and not your brothers."He finishes.
What?! "But, but..." I stammer. As much as theycan be nosy and stubborn, I still...l..o..v..e them.I guess they aren't that bad!
"Webbigail, could you come here please, lassie?!" Scrooge calls.
"Hey, why did you ask her so nicely, and not.." I start, but he cuts me off. " Shh"
Webby flies into the room,"You're not sending Louie to boarding school, right?!"
Hey!!! Hope you liked this, can't wait to write the next one! You know, I find Louie the easiest to wright, then Dewey and Webby, but Huey... I find his p.o.v.s hard! Maybe it is because they don't do much episodes based on him!
BTW, this book is based on the 2017-2018 Ducktales shows!

Family is Everything
FantasyLately Louie hasn't been feeling like part of the family. He has been feeling left out. Until Uncle Gladstone invites only him to his penthouse. No scratch that, and WEBBY! The question is, why Webby and not the other triplets? Read to find out! BTW...