"Webby...beware, trouble is coming" says a whispered unknown voice. "What is coming?" I ask. And I black out. Another mini dream: " Webby..Help, I...I..." says a different voice, but this one MUST be familiar, but I can't figure it out! "I'm coming, but what's wrong?!" I ask, worried, but then...Beep, Beep, Beep.
I wake up with a jolt. I'm sweating from head to my webbed feet! I look at my alarm clock, so that was the beeping! But who were those people!......What did that dream mean!?
Just, then..."Webby, get ready, you and my baby bro are leaving, TODAY!" Dewey shouts into my room, not realizing that I'm sweating BUCKETS! He dashes out of my room, calling for Louie. UGH, why TODAY?! Right after this weird dream, oh well, maybe we can talk about it later.
I quickly get dressed and and slide down the stair's banister and front flip. Dewey and Huey are already eating...Waffles! My favourite! Granny must of made them just for today. I'm gonna miss her, I'm surprised she even agreed to this! I sit down, opposite from Dewey and Huey.
" Dis, ish delishoush, try shome!" Dewey says his mouth FULL of food. "Don't do that! It is so gross!" Huey gags, his face green. Dewey sighs and nods. Thats when...
"Hey guys!" Louie says, SUPER cheerily, which is also SUPER weird. I share a look with his older triplets. Then we shrug, deciding to leave it. He sits down in between Huey and Dewey" Dewey crushes him" We are gonna a miss you SO much!!!" Dewey exclaims. Huey just smiles and nods agreeing with Dewey. They hug. How cute, I wish I had siblings!
We finish soon after...
Scrooge calls us down to the limo, we fetch our bags and go to the car. We all hop in, triplets, Scrooge, Donald, Launchpad, Granny, and me! We leave.
" So Webbigail, are you excited?" Scrooge asks. " Yeah, super" I reply. " Louie, I want you to listen to me, I want you to make sure Webbigail doesn't get hurt?! And stay out of trouble!" Louie nods, being super serious!
He starts to lecture Louie some more, and Granny starts to talk to me. "Webbigail, I want you to do the same as Louie Louie was told. Understand?!" Granny asks, I nod. "Good" She says and wraps her arms around me, I snuggle into her.
We arrive shortly after. We go past every one, in a V.I.P. section. We get to the point where we have to leave the rest...
I hug Granny, Launchpad, the boys, shake the Uncles's hands and wait for Louie. He hugs everyone, Surprisingly! We shout "Goodbye" and board the plane. Oh, I already miss them! We'll, at least I have Louie!!!
Hey Everyone!!! Hope you liked this one! So Super Sorry, this one took SO long to come out and that it was short!!! School work was weighing me down! Don't worry, the next chapter will come out by today, HOPEFULLY!
BTW, I am preparing a VERY special chapter! LOL, I think it's special?! BYE!

Family is Everything
FantasyLately Louie hasn't been feeling like part of the family. He has been feeling left out. Until Uncle Gladstone invites only him to his penthouse. No scratch that, and WEBBY! The question is, why Webby and not the other triplets? Read to find out! BTW...