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Emma's POV

I arrived at the twins house. I rang the door bell and Ethan showed up. He looked really cute. Per usual. I said "hey" which was a mistake cuz I said it in a little mouse way. And so he mimicked me and said it in a raspy mouse voice. I hated that.

I put my stuff on a table and I sat down on the couch

"Hey james"

"What's up kitty girl"

We always like to spill tea and drama in our little friend group.

"So Emma which twin do you like more?"

"Um idk"

"Oh stop. you must like one more than the other"

He winked and it made me cringe so hard.

"Okay, fine, Ethan"

"Omg thank god cuz I like Grayson more"

Ethan came in and said, "hey do you guys want to watch a scary movie!!"

everyone said yes. I hated scary movies but I had no choice but to watch it.

Ethan's POV

I decided that we should all watch a scary Halloween movie because the spooky season was around the corner.

We all sat on the couch Grayson on the far end James next to him, Emma next to James, and I was next to Emma.

While watching the movie Emma was so scared, and so I wanted to be a good friend.

"Emma are you okay"

"Ya lol thanks"


I had realized I liked her. A lot. And whenever I talked to her I became shy and nervous. I just wasn't myself. I was more calm. The movie seemed like it was about to end so I wanted to talk to Emma. Gray and James were sleeping so I wanted to go somewhere else with her.

It was just me and Emma

"Hey Emma do you wanna get out of here they fell asleep and I'm sorta bored."

"omg ikr those bitches fell asleep on us. Sure I would love to"

"Oh okay awesome"

"hahah ya where are we gonna go it's 1 am"

"I have an Idea"

Emma's POV

Ethan was very chill, and I liked this side of him. Even though the side of him were he's unbearably hot is good too.

Ethan drove us to this place called, "Coffee Dottie's" it says it was open for 24/7 so we walked in.

Me and Ethan ended up talking for 2 hours.
Just about life. He smiled every time I said something. He was an amazing listener. Then he said something which had me blown. away.

"Emma I really like you."

I stood there, staring at him, not knowing what to say.

Ethan's POV

Ya. I told Emma I liked her. I don't care, most people could never have the guts to do that. I told her bc I knew she would understand. I really hoped that she would've said someone, but she didn't. She just stood there.

I looked miserable by now so I decided to turn around but she got my attention before I could walk away.



" I like you too"

My heart pounded and I hadn't felt more alive than ever so I kissed her.

Our lips hitting eachother's , she was amazing. I had fallen in love💙

OOF!!!This chapter was absolute TRASH the next one might have some next level stuff so be prepared lol. Bye, next ones tmr!

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