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Before I start lol I'm really sorry I really had no inspiration or motivation but I now finally do!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! I'm so happy to be back and update for you all! Okay bye xoxo 💋

Emma's POV

so today I had nothing to do at all and I was quite bored so I asked Ethan and Gray if they wanted to hangout. I didn't bother asking James cuz recently he's been acting weird and I just honestly really don't think he likes me at all. I mean I could be wrong but I don't know.

The hate hasn't really been getting to me that much often. It's definitely motivated me in some type of way!

But also I've been really lazy with uploading (sorry to Emma I'm not trying to hate whatsoever! -author) I mean I hate having to come up with video ideas!

I also hate posting photos on Instagram sometimes:(

It's whatever though, I only like doing it when Bryant's around for it

back to texting the twins I remember

Group chat: Dolan babes

Emma: hey sistersss, do you guys wanna hang😎😎

Gray: um.. Emma why are you texting on this group chat, why didn't you just text it on the sister squad one

Emma: well because James..

Is being a jerk sorry but
1. He never awnsers me when I text
2. If he awnsers he leaves me on read
3. He has an attitude alottt against me (okay guys ew sry I'm back but ummm my L.A. teacher rlly hates when we spell a lot like alot so I did it on purpose plz don't h8 on meee- author)

Ethan🤩: okay well Emma sry bout that babe but me and Gray are filming the vid with Molly! And tmr we won't be able to hang bc we are doing the skydiving video with molly!

Emma: omfg why am I always replaced:/ whatever dont talk to me.

Ethan🤩: I'm sry Em I'll take you out to diner.

I was actually mad. I just wanna hang out with my bf, even though he has to film he never ever wants to hang out with me anymore

It sucks.

Ethan's POV

I feel really bad for Emma i know she just wants to hang and I always say I can't

I really hope that she doesn't break up with me cuz I would be very sad.

This time she didn't text on the group chat but just to me.


Ethan: I'm sry I'll make it up I promise:(

Recently Emma's being slightly clingy but I agree that I usually always do have something I need to do and I never have had time! We've been together for about 2 months now and idk I think she and I just don't feel the spark anymore.

The rest of the time we were filming I was so eager to text Emma and I was honestly really bored and depressed

No offense to Molly at all it was just annoying that we had to film i guess

Graysons POV

Oof Emma was constantly up Ethan's butt. but it was kinda funny ngl.

Emma was annoyed because Ethan is always busy, but I mean they dooo hangout. Emma never posts so she doesn't know how it's like

You constantly have to come up with ideas and all that other shit

Right when we were about to finish we heard a knock at the door.

I could tell Ethan was sad and anxious.

I opened the door even though we were still filming with Molly

I mean whatever we could just cut it out who tf cares anyways.

So I opened it and then I saw a sad Emma.

She ran into my arms and whispered "sad boi hour gray" I said "Emma Ethan's really upset okay just talk to him"

Emma and Ethan we're constantly battling eachother cuz they were stressed

And if you asked me it kinda sounded like a toxic relationship.

I felt very bad myself

She went out of my arms and surprisingly Ethan wasn't there, Molly was just sitting on the couch and I realized this was prolly really awkward so I asked if she wanted to take a little walk.

It would be better if she weren't in this anyway.

I took Mols outside and she wondered what was happening so I just told her the truth.

"Well Emma and Ethan are having relationship problems"

"OMG ethmaaaa IS REALLL!"

"Oh ya" "sorry we don't like telling people cuz we needa keep it a Little secret"

"Do you think the fans will be mad Gray, I'm pretty sure they don't like Emma"

"I know it's kinda sad and bad"

"But whatever"

Emma's POV

After I hug Grayson I zoom to find Ethan but he wasn't on the couch.

Gray and Molly- I think that's her name, we're gonna give me and E some space I'm guessing

"Ethan where are you"

"I go in his room to find him on his phone under the sheets"

He seemed angry but shouldn't I be the one who was mad.

"Oh hi E"


I run and jump on him but he still doesn't say anything.

I start getting upset.

"Ethan what's wrong"

"Nothing Emma. Get off me"

Ethan's POV

Emma came in my room and she tried to talk to me but I wouldn't talk

She jumped on me which kinda made
me happy but I just looked at my phone.

"Ethan what's wrong"

"Nothing Emma. Get off me"

She threw my phone somewhere on my bed and she just looked at me

We finally made eye contact and I had to reason not to talk now so I did.

"Ugh sorry Em"

"I've been avoiding you"

"Aw it's okay but wtf why?"

"Because i think Gray likes you"

"No he doesn't stop this"

"He talks about you A LOT"

"Okay sooo your mine, and I'm yours"

I liked how that sounded. I kissed her and then finally got up.

"So wanna go get diner"

"I don't wanna bail on them so lemme just finish the video?"

"Oh ya of course"

Me and Emma went out to diner and it was nice. I was just thinking about life when I had a lump in my heart.

It hurt so bad and I passed out on the ground.

To be continued.. lmao sorry what a cliffhanger haha but anyways do you ever read a book and you read other ones so when you go to read the book you like you totally forgot what happens in the lmao. I hate that so flipping much!! K bye hope you enjoyeddd!!

This book was 1150 words btw. So yay
for that long chapter 💙💙 byeeee

I'll update if this gets 20 stars and 400 reads 💛💛🤩

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