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*time skip to xmas*

Emma's POV

So today we were all going to the twins house to do the first out of our 3 sister squad collab videos

I was honestly pretty excited!!

All the drama in the group was gone and we couldn't be better of friends !!

The hate was still at us, saying how we are faking our friendship and saying how we aren't gonna be friends in like 5 months and it was honestly pretty annoying.

Like I know they haven't had the best of luck with friends in the past but why can't people just be happy for us and supportive

Or maybe even just a little positive !

Lol just a thought

A what a T H O T THOT

that song came rushing through my brain and before I knew it I was screaming the Lyrics!

I'm fucking sick of it haters though, And I know it'll keep going so I just have to fucking ignore it

Today we are filming how we are going shopping and buying everyone gifts and seeing how much our friends will like the gifts.

I'm pretty excited, and I think my gifts are great but idk? Idk?

I made myself some coffee. I decided to make a vanilla oat milk latte (apparently it's her new drink she likes? I don't know? Lmaoo)

I grabbed my Keys then went to my car.

It was actually kinda cold for L.A. and I DEFINITELY WASN'T FUCKING READY for it.

I hated it. Ugh sadboihour.

Then I heard a *ding* so I checked my phone and I saw I got a text for Ethan


Ethan💙🤩🥰: hey babe when r you gonna be here. I miss you so fucking much.
These ass's are driving me insane and I can't handle it please hurry tf up. Thanks bye love you.💙

Emma: okay sorry be there in 10

Ethan: k bye 💙

Emma: 💙

Ethan's POV


I ain't gonna spill the tea yet though about what it is.

"What the fuck I sound like Emma" I said out loud.

I mean I was with her all the time so no wonder.

Hahah lol.

"Can you fucking stop James omg I don't want you laying on me"

"Please daddy. My head hurts"


"Whatever okay bitch"

Then James got up and moved to sit at the table

With an annoyed look.

"Where the fuck is Emma" Grayson screams

"She'll be here in 10. Thank God." I say


Then all of a sudden Emma opens the door I greet her with a smile and a kiss

She looked beautiful she was wearing a navy blue crop top with mom jeans. on brand for her.

Even the simplest of outfits can look incredible on her.

So then she says "whatssss upppp hoessss"

Casual Emma.

"Hey baby"

"Hey E"

We all sit down and start to film.

She puts her hand on mine and I smile at her. Until I remember the fucking camera is on FUCK why so I always do these types of things.

They do know we are dating but I really don't want it to be THAT clear. Lol oops

"So we went shopping before the video."

"Oh and we have a sister giveaway for all of you!!" Says James

We all scream "SISTER GIVEAWAY"

Fuck. I said it really loud.

"okay so stay till the end of the video to check that out" Emma says

Then I look up at her.

Wow she's perfect


Grayson says "shut the fuck up. Why do you scream CONSTANTLY"

"Fuck off" I say

I can't stand him sometimes 🙄🙄

I rolled my eyes at him when the camera wasn't on me.

Emma and James starts laughing.

So first I give everything I bought to Grayson.

"Okay Gray.. I bought you.. a new car!"

"I bought him a blue bronco"

It's his dream car and I know he really wanted it.

(K guys I know he already had this car but I needed something so don't comment anything rude. K byeee back to the book!!)


He gives me a huge hug and we sit down.

Then everyone gives the rest of there gifts to each other.

I gives James his gift he gives me mine, Emma's, and graysons, Grayson gives his gifts to Emma, me, and James. Emma gives Gray and James his gift.

Emma's POV

So it was my turn to give Ethan his gift so I decided to buy him a couple necklaces, a bunch of Gucci. Some new earrings. Boxers. Clothes. And some other shit.

Then he thanks me and gives me a kiss.

Then it was time for him to give me my gift.

He pulls out a large envelope. He tells me to open it. I stare at it for a sec then at him.

I open it up carefully.

Then I take the light blue piece of paper out.


I started to cry and I pushed him to the ground I was sooo happy and I was so shocked.

He kissed me and I hugged him.

I was sooo excited. It was just gonna be him and me.

Him and me.

Ethma is forever.

HAHAH SEE WHAT I DID THERE🥰anyways I hope you guys liked the chapter!! I'll update soon byeee!! 🍋


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