8 - Trying Hard

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Abby's POV...

I closed my eyes as I was listening to Ed Sheeran's song titled "Thinking Out Loud". I was actually waiting for Gorio at the bus station. He's coming back to spend the weekend here in the hacienda. His university is about 2-3 hrs. away from here and I was 30 minutes early. So I opted to relax as I leaned on the wall. But then, I was startled when someone kissed my cheek and when I opened my eyes, it was him. Gorio. He smiling like an addict leaning down and looking at me intently. The he cupped my face.

"Did you miss me?" he asked.

I blinked, my heart raced. Suddenly, it was hard to breathe. I stared at him for a moment. He looks absolutely handsome in his simple t-shirt and jeans. So gorgeous. I swallowed the lump on my throat and calmed myself.

"Nope." I replied afterwards and removed my headphones. "You're early."

"Yeah. I'm 30 minutes early because I missed you." he said and sat beside me. "I was actually here before you."

I just pouted and he slightly chuckled. "And you didn't inform me?"

"Nope." he said imitating my voice. "I like watching you."

"Whatever." I blurted out and crossed my arms as I looked at him.

"Fine. Sorry." He pinched my cheeks and asked, "So where do you plan to go?"

"Anywhere." I replied and finally smiled. "Surprise me."

"Sure, princess." he said and winked before excitedly going to the ticket booth.

I unconsciously smiled while looking at him. He looks so happy as he waved the tickets while walking towards me.

"So? Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." he said and grabbed my hands as we went to our surprise destination.


"Where are we?" I asked again.

"Somewhere special." he answered and held my hand tightly.

I was getting a little bit nervous as we continued walking uphill.

"This isn't some kind of prank, right?" I asked nervously as I finally saw that we're heading to a cemetery.

He chuckled again but didn't let go of my hand. "Yes, princess. It's a cemetery."

"Why are you bringing me here?" I asked.

"You'll see." he answered again.

I don't like going to cemeteries. I am absolutely a scaredy-cat. So, I removed my hand from his and hooked both of my arms in his arms. I was nervous.

"Don't be scared, princess. I'm here." he said softly. "And we're almost there."

We continued our walk and then after 5 minutes of silence, we stopped. I looked at him and he smiled warmly. I then looked down and saw where we stopped. The tombstones read,

"Maria Fatima D. Salvador"


"Gregorio A. Salvador, Sr."

I gasped and looked at him again. I saw his eyes are a little bit misty when he tried so hard to smile at me.

"Your parents." I said ever so softly and he just nodded.

"I told you that I'll let you meet them one day." he said. "So here we are."

I just stayed silent as he opened his backpack and brought out paper flowers. "I never thought that they're gone. I mean, I didn't know that are an orphan."

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