Chapter 15

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Amanda had woke up the next morning and an idea had popped in her head. She sat up and a smile formed on her face. She was excited with this idea. She thought for a second and her eyes went wide. Today's her date with Aj. She grabbed her phone from her chargee and checked the time. Her eyes went wide again. "It's already one in the afternoon." She whispered to herself. She got off her bed and used the bathroom quickly before going downstairs.
"Morning." She said and walked into the kitchen. The boys replied 'morning', as she sat down drinking her coffee.

Amanda was looking at her phone, until someone cleared their throat. She turned off her phone and looked up to see Nash. She gave him a small smile, which he returned.

"So you excited about your date with Aj tonight?" He asked the girl. She smiled and nodded her head.

She looked at Nash and then at Cameron. She smiled, when the thought came into her mind again. Nash looked at her confused. She looked at him and giggled. "Am I the only one that knows, you know?" She asked the boy. He sighed and nodded. She moves back in her chair and crosses her arms, sighing. She looked over at Cameron. She looked back over to the boy sitting in front of her. "Do you like Cameron?" She had asked him. He looked over at her then at Cameron. He smiled and looked down at the table. "So I'm taking that as a yes." She said and smirked. He looked up to see her face. He rolled his eyes. "I hate you." He told her. She shook her head and laughed.

She stood up and walked into the living room, Nash following behind. Amanda sat next to Aaron and Nash sat next to Taylor. She looked at her phone to check the time once more. She sighed as she read 2:20pm. Aaron looked at her confused. She shook her head. Aaron didn't question the girl. The group sat there, in the living room, in silence.

Nash had stood up and walked over to Amanda. He was standing in front of her. She had looked at him confused. 'I'm going to tell them.' He mouthed. She smiled and nodded. She stood next to him. "Guys. I have something to tell you. I really hope you guys don't hate me. But I think it's time you guys should know." He said and inhaled. He looked over at Amanda. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it for reassurance. He squeezed back and exhaled. The boys looked confused. "I'm gay." Nash said. Amanda smiled and hugged him. "I'm proud of you bubba." She whispered into his chest. He laughed and they pulled away. Nash looked around the room to see the boys' reaction. They all smiled at him and congratulated him.

Amanda looked over at Cameron. He had a wide smile on his face. Amanda walked over to him. "Why are you so smiley about, Cam Bear?" She asked the boy. He looked at her then at his best friend. "I think I'm gay too." He said. She smiled widely and hugged him. They pulled away. They looked over at Nash.

"I think you should ask him on a date." She whispered. He looked at her as if she was crazy. He viscously shook his head. "I don't think so. He isn't going to say yes." The boy told her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You never know if you never try." She said and pushed him towards Nash. Cameron turned his head towards her and mouthed 'I hate you' and walked over to Nash.

She giggled and walked into the kitchen. She sat at one of the stools around the island, scrolling through her Instagram. She turned off her phone once she heard Nash squeal and sit next to her. She giggled at his squeal and turned her head to face him. She saw the smile on the boy's face and she couldn't be more happy for him.

"What happened, Nash?" She asked giggling, pretending as she didn't know what happened. Nash just smiled, shaking his head. "Cameron just asked me on a date and I said yes." He said. Amanda gave him a small smile and fidgeted with her fingers. "I'm so happy for you guys. I'm happy you guys came out." She said and hugged him. They pulled away. "Thank you," was all Nash said and walked out of the kitchen.

Amanda sighed and checked the time on her phone. She got up and walked upstairs to her room. She quickly changed for her date with Aj. She grabbed her keys, wallet, charger, and phone. She walked downstairs and all the boys looked at her.

"I'm heading over to Logan's. That's where Aj is going to pick me up." She said, walking towards the front door.

Someone put their hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see her best friend. "I'll drive you." He whispered. She was hesitant but nodded a yes.

Amanda really wanted to be alone. She had seen something on Instagram earlier that made her sad and she was trying to pretend she was okay.

They had gotten into Taylor's car and Taylor drove to Logan's. The car filled with the low music in the backyard and silence from the two.

It wasn't an awkward silence. It was more of they were both wondering kind of silence, which neither didn't mind. This usually happened when they were together. It was completely normal. They had arrived to Logan's apartment complex. Amanda quickly grabbing all the things she needed.

"Thanks Tay." She whispered. He just nodded. She walked into the building, as Taylor drove off. Both wondering why they didn't say one word to each other the whole ride.

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