Chapter 16

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<Amanda Paul's POV>
I walked out of the elevator and walked towards my brother's apartment. I put my key in and walked in.

"Logan?" I asked as I walked in. I closed the door behind me and looked around. I heard quiet sobs from my room. I quickly ran over and looked inside. I saw Logan crying. I ran over to him and hugged him.

"Shh. It's all okay. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I said and rocked him back and forward. Logan stopped crying. I pulled away and looked at him. I wiped his tears. "What happened bud?" I asked.

He grabbed his phone and showed me a picture of our mom. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him confused. He pointed at the text under it. 'Your mom didn't die from cancer. I killed her. - dad.' My eyes got watery but I quickly wiped them away.

"Why are you in my room?" I whispered. He looked up at me. "You remind me so much of mom and I missed you." He said. I hugged him. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here always." I said. Logan nuzzled his head into my neck. I hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. We pulled away. He looked at me and smiled. "I love you." He said. "I love you more." I said. I stood up and flatted out my clothes. I helped Logan up and we walked into the living room. We sat on the couch and turned on the tv. It was silent for a bit, besides the tv. I was looking at the tv when I felt Logan look at me. I looked over at him and laughed nervously.

"What?" I said with a nervous chuckle. He shrugged. I sighed and turned off the tv. Logan looked at me and sighed. "Aj isn't coming to pick for the date. He's with another girl." My brother whispered. My heart shattered and my eyes started to tear up. I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief. "And to think that picture I saw was fake." I whispered to myself.

I stood up and walked to the door. I heard Logan run behind me and hug me from behind.

"He's not worth it. You deserve better. Remember I love you." He whispered and let me go.

I sighed and turned to face him. I kissed my brother on the cheek. I opened the door and saw Aj standing there with flowers. Tears starting to roll down my cheeks and I pushed passed him. I heard him call after me. I turned to face him. I shook my head and got into the elevator. I sighed and wiped my tears. The elevator doors opened and I walked out.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Nash's number. It rang three times before he answered.

"Hello?" He answered. "Hey can you pick me up from my brothers apartment complex?" I asked sniffled. "Yeah of course. I should be there in five minutes." He said. I thanked him and hung up.

I sat in a chair in the lobby and zoned out. Soon enough I felt a tap on my shoulder. I shook all the thoughts I had running through my head. I looked to see Nash sitting next to me. My eyes got water and he quickly pulled me into a hug.

"What happened?" He whispered. I started to breathe harder than I was before. "He lied to me and he was at the door ready for the date, pretending nothing happened." I breathed out. "Who lied to you?" Nash questioned and pulled away from me.

I looked up at him, trying not to cry. I met Nash's eyes and I broke down into tears.

"Aj." I said. Nash rubbed my back and stroked my hair. "Shh. It's okay. Let's take you home." He said.

We stood up, about to walk out the door, when I heard Aj call my name. I looked up at Nash. Tears running down my face. I turned to him and walked out.

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