Chapter 1

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We are shown a different opening at the Widdlestine mansion. 

Cynthia was in the living room texting on her cellphone while her friends, the Harpercop siblings Kali, Brock and Ann had come over to hang out with her. Cynthia's twin sister Cecilia was also there, being dull and dark as ever while sitting on the couch with them. 

Cynthia and Cecilia's mother Cassandra was close by in the kitchen, having a business call on her cellphone. 

"I know this is important to you" The Harpercop siblings and Cynthia glanced up slightly from their phones to hear Cassandra talking with someone on the other end of the phone. 

"Yes, of course. I can be there in two hours" Cassandra replied before hanging up. 

"Who was that, mother? If that was Christina, tell her to get my new wardrobe delivered. I need it asap for this season" Cynthia spoke up.  

"And also tell her to get some black lipstick" Cecilia added blankly. "My favorite shade is 'kiss me charcoal'" 

The dull rich goth somehow always managed to cause the Harpercop siblings to stare at her weirdly like she was some kind of freak. But they were never mean to her, she was still their friend after all. 

"No..." Cassandra shook her head at her daughters. "That was my friend calling" 

"Which one?" Cecilia asked blankly, since that her mother was rich she had millions of friends. 

"Vivian Ashe, of course" Cassandra replied to her dark gothly type daughter. 

"Oh, you mean the rich heiress who lives all the way in Beverly Hills?" Cynthia clarified while sitting up straight on the couch next to the Harpercop siblings who listened curiously. 

"Yes" Cassandra smiled. "She wants me to meet with her at her mansion for a talk on her new line of cosmetics"

"She obviously needs my help" The wealthy fashion designer then added, boasting which made the Harpercop siblings roll their eyes slightly.  

"Would anyone of you like to come with me?" Cassandra then offered the kids. 

"Sure, I guess" Cynthia shrugged her shoulders, since she had never really been to Beverly Hills before.

"YES! TOTALLY!" The Harpercop twins jumped up on the couch, excited. 

"Beverly Hills... A city full of crime, litter, pollution, weirdos..." Cecelia said with no emotion in her soul, obviously showing to the gang that she was passing up on this trip. 

"What about you, Miss Kalina?" Cassandra turned to ask Kali, being polite by always calling the tomboy by her first full name. 

"Ohhhh, I'd love to but I just remembered that... Dylan, Dolly and I have to practice on our Pup-Fu skills for the upcoming dog show this week" Kali came up with a sneaky lie, obviously wanting to get away from her annoying little siblings. But who could blame her? She needed a break from them. 

"Okay then" Casandra said, then turned to the ones who were going with her to Beverly Hills. "Kids, pack your things. We're leaving for the airport in thirty minutes" 

30 minutes later~ 

"Have fun you guys" Kali told her younger siblings as she waved them off. 

"Thanks sis! You're the best!" The twins smiled and waved back to their sister as they got in the limo.  

"Yeah, it's going to be great. Just me... and the twins..." Cynthia started, before quickly realizing something. "Wait a minute!"  

But it was too late, the limo already drove off with Cynthia realizing what had just happened and that the twins were her problem now. 

"Well played, Kali Harpercop" Cynthia just knew that the tomboy was smiling smugly in victory that her sly plan had worked. 

The gang soon headed down to the airport and hopped onto the Widdlestine's super fast private jet, now heading for Beverly Hills, California. 

Cynthia visits Beverly HillsWhere stories live. Discover now