Chapter 3

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The next morning~ 

Cynthia and the twins had recently gotten up, still in their pj's while Rachel was still asleep.  

"Rachel, wake up" Chloe jumped up on Rachael's bed. "I've got a mani-pedi at eleven, and you have to make my waffles. Get up!"

The telephone suddenly rang, instantly waking Rachael up as she accidentally tossed Chloe off her bed. The kids and Chloe came downstairs as Rachel answered the phone. 

"Aunt Viv's. Oh, Hi, Angela... You're a genius. Yes, I can be ready in 30 minutes. OK, bye!" Rachel now looked excited after hanging up the phone. 

"What's going on?" Cynthia and the twins asked Rachel curiously, but also a bit suspiciously. 

"Pack your swimsuits, guys" Rachel told the kids and Chloe. "We're going on a trip"

"A trip?" Cynthia questioned. 

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" The twins asked, thinking Viv wouldn't approve of them leaving the house while watching Chloe, whatsoever.  

"Ooh, where are we going?" Chloe asked excitedly. 


"Mexico!" Rachael and her friends cheered as the gang drove past a sign and were now in the sunny state.  

Cynthia and the twins had ended up going along on this trip too. 

Rachael and her friends really loved this place as they drove through town. But Chloe, Cynthia, and the twins were a bit unsure about this whole trip being a good idea. 

"Ugh, dirty" Cynthia cringed, noticing how very unclean some of the streets were as they drove by. 

"Um, I'm starting to get the feeling there's no Four Seasons here" Chloe said to the kids and Cynthia agreed, nodding her head.

"And not even a descent bathroom" Brock piped in. 

The gang soon arrived at the hotel they'd be staying in, near the beach. 

"Third floor, baby" Angela told the gang.  

Rachel and her friends cheered and headed up to their room, not even noticing Chloe and the kids. 

"Hello? Somebody forget something?" Chloe asked Rachel sarcastically.  

"We're walking by ourselves" Cynthia and the twins added in the same tone. 

"Chloe! Guys!" Rachel called out to them, having them all sigh and roll their eyes as they walked up the stairs to their room. 

Later that night, Chloe and the kids were watching the sunset out the window while waiting for Rachel to finish up with something important she had told them about. 

"Well, at least it's a nice sunset" Brock commented, as they continued watching out the window. 

"A joyful void" Cynthia deadpanned while laying her head against the window. 

"I'm starving" Chloe whined, then went to go check on Rachel and her friends. "What's taking them so long?"

It turns out, Rachel and her friends were going out to dance at a late night club while Cynthia and the twins would be staying behind at the hotel to watch Chloe. 

Chloe and the kids came into the bathroom, seeing Rachel and her friends still getting ready. 

"Yo! Are you gonna continue to gush about boys, or put so much makeup on your face that you become a clown?" Ann asked Rachel sarcastically, reminding her. "Because someone hasn't had their dinner yet" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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