Chapter 2

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The kids were in a limo, as they were now driving through the busy streets of Beverly Hills. 

Cassandra was fiddling on her phone, trying to get a hold of Viv while the kids looked out the window, admiring all the sights and interesting people as they went by. That's when Cynthia brought her head back into the car and noticed something.  

"What is that?" Cynthia asked the twins, noticing how they were examining something tiny in their hands. 

"Just another piece of Kali's crystal that fell off" Brock replied. 

"She said we could keep it" Ann added, thinking it still had some magic inside of it. 

"Get that thing away from me!" Cynthia suddenly backed away from the twins in her seat, knowing the crazy stuff that always happened with Kali's crystal magic. 

The gang soon arrived in front of Vivian Ashe's huge mansion. Shortly after, a second car had pulled up behind them.

As they made their way up to the front door, the person who had pulled up behind then came out of her car, revealing to be Viv's niece, Rachael, whom she had told them about who was visiting for the day. 

"Hello" Rachael greeted Cassandra and the kids as she came up the stairs to the front door, behind them. 

"Oh, hello" Cassandra turned around and exchanged a handshake with the young blonde haired woman. "You must be Vivian's niece, Rachel" 

"Yes" she nodded before getting a bit of a confused look on her face at Cassandra and the kids, asking. "And you are?...." 

"I'm a friend of your aunt's. Cassandra Widdlestine, world famous fashion designer" The wealthy fashion designer introduced herself, then turned to Cynthia and the twins. "And this is my daughter, Cynthia, and her friends, the Harpercop twins" 

"Hi! I'm Brock! And I'm Ann!" the twins greeted, shaking Rachael's hand. Quickly asking her all these questions, being the annoying duo they always were. 

Now we know how Kali feels. 

Cassandra and the kids then entered the house as they heard someone from inside shout "come in". They looked around, seeing it was an incredibly huge mansion. 

The group then spotted a little white chihuahua come forward up to them, dressed in a swim suit.

"You must be the guests Viv was talking about" The little female chihuahua greeted the group. "I'm Chloe. Welcome"

"Hi!" The twins waved their greeting. 

"Hello, nice to meet you" Cynthia added, looking down at the little dog.  

"You sure are a cute dog" Ann said, kneeling down to get a closer look at the chihuahua. 

"Is it just me, or are you guys talking to me?" Chloe asked the kids, titling her head while looking up at them. 

"Nope, we can understand you alright" Cynthia told the chihuahua before sighing rather unpleasantly. "It's a curse"

"Oh, stop overacting" The twins rolled their eyes at their richly, over dramatic fashionista friend.  

Rachael then walked in. "Aunt Viv! I'm here! Hello?"  

"An hour late, as usual" Chloe said at Rachel, who unlike Cynthia and the twins could only understand her barks. "How do you keep a job? Oh, that's right, you don't" 

"Where's Aunt Viv? Where's Aunt Viv?" Rachael asked Chloe all in a playful like voice since she was a dog after all. "Chloe, go find her. Go on. Go find her" 

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