Week 35

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I noticed quite many of you were unable to finish the assignments before the due date. I know stuff is getting really busy at work and school (plus some personal stuff for some of you), so if you don't see your name below, it means you have an extra two weeks to complete the assignments of week 34. Just add a comment to the list of week 34 when you're done and I'll add you again to the next list.

AR is also looking for new members again. So if you know someone who's looking for a fun new book club, feel free to recommend this one :)

If you have any suggestions to improve the book club/spice things up, don't hesitate to let me know.

Onto the business of the day:

Book of the Week is

"Blue Star"

by NovelistAnne

For those of you who have finished Blue Star already, I'm fairly certain (but correct me if I'm wrong) that Anne wouldn't mind you (continue) reading her sequel, Third Power.

And the personal assignments:

ShinomiyaDR will read "The Crimson Guard" by challoner

Dante_Greywolf will read "Book of Panacea" by tintinkie

NovelistAnne will read "Harm and Harmony" by BlairDarnell

Highland_Dancer will read "Key of Liberation" by ShinomiyaDR

MissNutcracker will read "Antoinette: What if it never happened" by Highland_Dancer

Grinning_Sunflower will read "Beauty Behind the Madness" by sweetaebokki

tintinkie will read "Blue Star" by NovelistAnne

BlairDarnell will read "A Scarlet Rose" by MissNutcracker

reminizence will read "Blood Type R" bycharlottemallory

poznati will read "Marie's Tale" by Grinning_Sunflower

challoner will read "A Blaze in the Dark" by Dante_Greywolf

sweetaebokki will read "Broken Bond" by reminizence

charlottemallory will read "Under Neon Skies" by poznati

 Calculus100 will read "In Time" by Leongjingyi

Leongjingyi will read "A Blaze in the Dark" by Dante_Greywolf

Dante_Greywolf will read "Impossible to Run" by Calculus100

This round ends on the 29th of October, so I can post the new assignments on the 30th

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