Week 44

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Hey All! I looked through the previous weeks trying to see who's been in the club the longest and hasn't had book of the week yet. If you haven't had a botw yet then your turn is coming I assure you. Also I tried to assign you all different books than last time.

😔 We lost about five members since I took over (I'm trying not to take it personal) but we have an odd number of people which makes it harder to assign books. I hope everyone is happy with their assignments and if there are any issues please send me a message to Fiction_by_Kelly

Book of the week is "Rituals For Love" by BNSilvia

AujaStone  will read "Judge's Vanquish" by charlottemallory

ShinomiyaDR will read "Harm and Harmony" by BlairDarnell

DNFadlhlin "The Queen's Companion" by AujaStone

Fiction_by_Kelly will read "Marie's Tale" by Grinning_Sunflower

charlottemallory will read "Forever Love You" by DNFadlhlin

BlairDarnell will read "My Heart's Choice" by deenajeanne

Grinning_Sunflower will read "Masquerading the Key" by ShinomiyaDR

WnzllCrl04 will read "Rituals for Love" by BNSilvia

Highland_Dancer  "Romance: Sing me a Song for Love" by Gloriousvictory07

BNSilvia will read "Corinth: Battle for the Homeland" by WnzllCrl04

deenajeanne will read "Nothing to Lose" by Fiction_by_Kelly

Gloriousvictory07 will read "Marie Antoinette: What If It Never Happened?" By Highland_Dancer

Optional Assignments
"Corinth: Battle for the Homeland" by WnzllCrl04
"Masquerading the Key" by ShinomiyaDR

Until next time my lovelies...

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