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My parents' house made up one realm ,This realm was familiar to me in almost every way. Mother and father, love and strictness, model behavior, and school.


*The camera is looking at me*

Why is the eye only on me?

And the sign keep telling me a liar?


I can't help ,but laugh at this confusion

Did I lie?

Because the strange memories continues...

That I suffocated in the jail!

The lie I was trapped in..

And the drugs... my hyung...

But just kept it like a song that I keep saying it every time!

*Caught in a lie~

Find the me that was innocent

I can't free myself from this lie

Give me back my laughter

Caught in a lie

Take me out of this hell

I can't free myself from this pain

Save the me who's being punished*

I drown myself in the water, but I breathed

I fell myself but I woke up

My brother...

Without you...

I look up trying to reach out my hands up in the air for you

But the laugh is because of me, myself.!

Because yes,


"Please stop me,
Please guide me,
Please let me breath"

I still see the eye on me

But does it know the reason?

/I'm trapped inside of myself and I'm dead.\

*Flip the camera to the painting*

I flip the eye to the painting that made me live, "MAMA"


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