Words on Paper

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I know things are looking grey now
You've looked everywhere for a way out
There's nowhere left to look to
And I can't possibly know what you've been through

Right now you're feeling so empty and scared
And it seems like nobody is there
So many reasons you been given
But none are good enough to keep on livin

So take that gun, take that blade, take that noose
One last time, just let loose
But before you do that just hear me out
Let me tell you my way out

I remember being on the ground, ready to meet my maker
My creator
If he even exists
Because if God really did exist, why would he let me go out like this?

I remember it perfectly like it was yesterday
The rise, the fall
Then being ready to end it all

I remember thinking no one would notice
And if they did, they wouldn't care
Because they put me in ther shadows, shadows that hide me
So well in fact that I couldn't see the flashlights of those trying to find me

See, while the devil told lies to me
Jesus was fighting for me
They tell me he died for me
But I was too blind to see
Through all the pain, through all the hurt
Everything he says I am worth

It took some time, but I got better
I made it through the stormy weather
So even now, when clouds come through
I know where to look to

Here I am wanted
Here I am needed
Here they care that I'm still breathing

I know you have no reason to believe me
After all, these are just words on paper
But I've been there

I've been hurt
I've been scared
I was empty
Believe me, I've been there

But this is not the end, I can promise you that 

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