Hey here is another facts about me page. I'm really boring so you guys really don't have to read this but you can if you want.
I am almost 15 I have 21 more days so 3 weeks.
I will be able to drive around May because I can get my permit.
I will finally be able to call and text on my phone when I get my job because I can pay for it cause my grandparents won't.
My mom and step dad got in trouble with the law and I can't see my mom for 3 years and about 3 months and my step dad for 7 years and about 3 months.
My dad is still in Oklahoma with my step mom, stepsisters, and nephew.
I am officaly out about me being pansexual and gender fluid to only a few people because my grandparents say I'm not allowed to come out.
I am technically not allowed to hangout with Emily because I wasn't home on time over the summer is what my grandparents say but really I think it's just because they don't support me.
The people who know I am pansexual are my grandparents who don't support me, my aunt and uncle I have no idea if they do, the siblings I have who know support me, my 10 year old cousin Madi supports me but I don't know about my other cousins, all of my friends who know support me, my step dad supports me, and my mom supports me.
It sucks living in a house with people who don't support you.
Emily is my girlfriend and I love her to death.
Emily is 11 months younger than me exactly.
I am loved by Emily's dad and sister and by her mom. (finally I am loved) (her mom hasn't met me yet but Emily talks about me all the time and her mom actually likes me SUPRISINGLY)
I have to survive e with Emily living in Reno with her mom while I live in Minden until the weekend when I can hopefully sneek away and go see her but I can't always.
Because I am gender fluid both of my names are Katy and Kayden.
I have some knew best friends and some who I've been friends with for a while but I just finally got to see them again when I went to high school.
Best Friends:
Emily (14) (She is more than a friend but you get it)
Aidan(14) (Is still like my twin brother but I haven't seen him in a while)
Tovin(14) (I finally got to see him after like almost 4 years)
Dylan(14) (Still the same childish kid he has been since we were 4)
Mali(14) (Enroled at Douglas High School on Monday so I get to see her again and have biology with her)
Audrey(14) (Still pick on her because I'm 17 hours older but she is taller)
Alexa(13) (Is still pretty damn innocent even after hanging out with me)
Kristen(13) (Still plays her base guitar in band)
Albert(14) (Still believes no one loves him and I'm gonna slap him for it)
Aspen(15) (Is awesome and I love being friends with her and having her and Albert together)
Alex(16) (She is my sister from another mister) (She might be my sister in law when I'm older if her and her dad ever let me marry Emily)
Thia(15) (My mom who I wish was at Douglas with us this year but is in Carson)
I don't want anymore what if's or promises,I only want u
Novela JuvenilThis is a Dobsley book and will include the tvd cast and other people including myself and some of my friends. This story will be about what relationship Dobsley is and how they work together to get threw everything in life. (also has vampires, were...