Beside You; g.d.

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Sorry it's been awhile😬 PS back in time

Your POV

Ever since E and Gray have gotten famous on Vine it seems like we never hang out anymore. I've always had a crush on Grayson, but I mean we're just best friends. Yeah just friends...

Later Today

I'm walking towards their door hoping their home. Knock Knock. Lisa opens the door with a face filled with pain and looks down towards me. She seemed to frown even more till a few tears start to roll down her face. I immediately rush towards her and hold her tightly whisper sweet things in her ear comforting her. She sniffles and chokes out, "The boys are upstairs." And frowns again. She leaves me standing in the door way confused af. I knock on their door as I walked up the stairs.

"Come in!" One yelled. As I walked in, I saw boxes of their stuff and suitcases being packed. "Hey mom we're almost done packing." They still haven't noticed me yet.

" When were you going to tell me?" I said gritting my teeth. They quickly look up at me.

"Y/N!" I feel a fury in my eyes as I look towards the two handsome twins that have been my best friend and crush for as long as I could remember.

"When. We're. You. Going. To. Tell. Me?!" I yelled at them. They look down in shame as they mumbled something. "Oh what was that?" I said cupping my ear to hear louder. I was fucking pissed.

"The day before we left.." Ethan mumbles. I swear I had steam coming out of my ears. I feel hot salty tears run down my face.

"And yet you didn't even want to tell your best friend that you were leaving till the day before you left. And you even made your mother cry. Wow. What friends I have...." They start talking at the same time trying to explain.

"I've got a ticket to another world.." I look at Gray. "We've got a ticket." He corrects himself. "We can finally leave that stupid school! We won't be bullied! We won't have just one friend anymore besides our family! Y/N why can't you be happy for us?!" Wow he's getting mad at me?!

Suddenly words are hard to speak, when thoughts are all I see.. I choke (Choke me😂) on my words while my mind races 100 miles per hour as I think back to all our memories. "I'm not the one who decided to tell their best friend on their last day till they go who knows where?! I am happy, but you always told me to never let go! 'Don't ever leave' I've always told you and I thought you'd respect that I guess not!"

"Not everything is about you Y/N! You always told us to follow our dreams, but now that their happening your trying to stop us?!" Ethan yells at me.

"No! Do not pin point this on me! It feels like you're purposely trying to leave me so you can meet new people and become all THAT.!" I tell them.

Ethan sighs. "We will still both fall asleep under the same sky."

"I get that, and I hope that I get that we will be still so close but so far away now." I said crying into my sleeve.

"We'll come home soon." They promise and pull me into a hug filled with what used to be warmth now cold and filled with tears.

It all seems just like it was yesterday. But after 3 years not seeing them and trying a year for calling and texting I've given up on them. I've become a whole new person that is badass. If I ever see them again I won't waste any tears and tell them to go away no matter what! Even if I want to tell them I miss them.

Ethan POV

I'm guessing she/he sleeps alone now. Maybe their dating someone who knows. What I do know is that my heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I really wish I was beside you Y/N. I've always liked you. I wish you only knew. I know they probably lies awake thinking a lot about everything.

Your POV

I've decided to try and text one of them. Even if I regret it. Since my crush on Gray has been terminated I went to Ethan's number. Trying to find the words to say was really hard. I lock my phone at throw it on my carpet. I shout out a frustrated scream and sink to my knees. I look up at the starry sky and replay over in my head, I wish I was, I wish I was beside you..

Grayson's POV

We finished our episode of TCL in New York. Another day and I'm somewhere new.. On our ride to the hotel I go on my phone and I look at the photo album of pictures of Y/N, Ethan, and I. I made a promise that I'll come home soon. I sigh and look out the window. I miss our family. Bring me back, bring me back to you. I doubt they'd want to see us again though. I knew they had a crush on me and I liked someone else. I've always known Ethan had a crush on them. He's theirs and hopefully they'll forgive us if we do go back.

Time Skip/Ethan's POV

We're back home after 3 long years. Damn. As our Uber takes us to our parents house, I take a look at everything to see what has changed. There's the big oak tree we would always try to climb. There's the old ice cream shop where we'd make sundaes full of junk. We finally arrive at our house. It still looks the same though it could use a paint job. A feeling erupts me. It feels like.. home. As we set out we go inside and surprise our parents. After all of that goody stuff Gray and I decided to go visit Y/N. Hopefully she'll want to see us. But before we go, our mom warns us "Y/N has changed a lot. Now don't go deeper than they'll let you if they will let you. Now scurry along so I can make dinner." She looked worried. It's that a bad thing. What could have happened in 3 years that could change lil o' Y/N/N?

Gray knocks on the door. A woman/man opens it I recognize to be Y/N's (relative). A heavy metal bass is playing inside obviously comeing from somewhere. They look at us wide eyes before they understands our plea in our eyes before calling for Y/N. A beautiful/handsome man/woman comes down the stairs wearing all black and has a lip, ear, and nose piercing. Time stops I wish that I could rewind..

"Wtf do you want?!" They yell at us. It hurts that we used to be so close but so far away now.

"We've missed you." We say simultaneously.

"Do you think u give a flying fuck?! No siree! Get the fuck off of my property and never come back! Do you hear me? Go away that's what's best for both of us." They yell and walk back inside towards their room most likely. Their relative apologies and closes the door. We stand there and just stare at the door. You can tell there are pieces of us both that were left broken and most likely unfixable. As we started our journey back home I felt eyes on us. Whoever it is, probably all the neighbors who heard our used to be friend screams and shouts, we were once shining out like a sore star we will fade into the night and as they requested we most likely will never come back. Their voice rang in my ears.

My heart wants to come home, but my home doesn't want my heart. I feel a tear drip down my face. I quickly wipe it away. I wish I was beside you...

1356 words

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