Eighth Corpse: The Demons

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❝Turn it off... Turn it off!❞

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Eighth Corpse | The Demons

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This chapter contains potentially triggering content including gore, torture and abuse.
Proceed at your own risk.

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I don't have dreams when I sleep. No, instead of dreams, I get continuous mental torture at the hands of the demons that lurk in the corners of my mind. This time, that demon was my mother. She was a frequent visitor whenever I was feeling extra low. She picked at my pitiful remains like a vulture and made me feel absolutely worthless just like she did when she was still alive.

This torture session took me back to a horrifyingly familiar place--the backseat of my mother's car.


I stared blankly at the back of the driver's seat for a while, barely registering the breeze whipping my hair gently around my face.

"Is it this button, Cho?"

My eyes remained fixed on the back of the driver's seat and I felt like I was floating.


I couldn't really remember what I'd been doing before now. What was I doing?

"Katya?" There were several snaps to the left of me and I blinked as the floaty feeling disappeared and I finally tuned into the world around me.

I glanced to the side to see a dark-haired, hazel-eyed boy sitting beside me with one hand raised and the other hand holding a familiar handheld game console.

A small sheepish smile made its way onto my face and I scratched the back of my head, "Sorry Kenji, I sort of zoned out there, what were you saying?"

Kenji rolled his eyes at me and stuck his tongue out, "You're such a weirdo sometimes, sis."

"Oh? I'm a weirdo am I?" I asked him with a devious smirk as I wiggled my fingers.

His eyes widened. "No! Don't you dare!" He retreated to the other side of the backseat and I gave an evil little chuckle, "That won't save you," I sang out before lunging at him, my fingers attacking his sides. He let out a girlish squeal before erupting into a fit of giggles. "Stop! Cho, stop! No!"

"You guys are so cute, I swear," my best friend Nea said from my the front passenger seat. She was more like a sister to me really but her and Kenji loved antagonizing each other over who I liked better. It was funny to watch. Kenji stuck his tongue out at her and she returned the gesture childishly before all three of us giggled playfully together.

A chillingly familiar song started playing over the radio and my body went rigid, my eyes snapping to the radio at the front of the car. Kenji and Nea went silent as well and we all stared. My breath hitched before coming out shaky, each breath I took seeming like a struggle. "Turn it off," I mumbled weakly, my body feeling hot and cold all at the same time. I wrapped my arms around myself as my body started trembling. "Turn it off," I repeated, my voice desperate.

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