Thirty Third Corpse: A Weakness To Share

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❝I thought I was stronger than this but I'm not.❞

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Thirty Third Corpse | A Weakness To Share

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[Z-day +8 | Apr. 22 | 14:36hrs]

We scouted around the cavern, making sure that no cold bodies were leftover, and once we found none, it was time to assess the situation on the mainland.

Except, the tunnel opening didn't lead to the mainland. Instead, it led to a face full of zombie when I walked out ahead of everyone else in an attempt to avoid having to look at anyone.

I walked face first into a body and the stench was enough to tell me what I needed to know. My hand struck out like a viper and the body fell to the sandy ground. At first, I thought we were back on the beach on the mainland, but a quick glance around told me that I was sorely mistaken.

Trees surrounded me on all sides except for the side I just came from and among the trees were the dead, lumbering around aimlessly. The closest of them picked up on the sound of the body dropping and turned in my direction. So I advanced towards them, planning on cleaning up the mess I'd made. A body flew past mine and in a flash, the advancing group of walking corpses were still and motionless on the ground, while the others remained unaware. Vix looked back at me and flashed a smile, "Can't let you have all the fun, now can I?"

I only averted my eyes, standing still as I waited to hear what the plan was. My behaviour was obvious but no one dared to ask me what was up and I was glad. I didn't want to look at anyone, let alone talk to them. I just wanted to get this over and done with, and maybe sleep for a few weeks until the possibility of me having to kill my friends was long gone.

"This isn't the mainland," Thomson muttered, pointing out what we all could tell at this point. "And if it isn't the mainland, then where the hell is it?"

"We could still be on Minami Island," Takashi suggested.

"That wouldn't be possible unless Minami Island's been cut into three parts by Mount Itei instead of the two we thought," Quin spoke up and my body stiffened at the sound of his voice.

"Even so, where the heck are all these people coming from?" Takashi muttered.

"Uniforms," I finally muttered, not turning to face them as I pointed out the thing they all seemed to have missed.

"Calico?" Thomson murmured questioningly.

"They're all wearing uniforms," I explained, eyeing one of the stumbling corpses. "All of the ones we've killed so far except for three, have all been wearing uniforms."

The uniform wasn't anything fancy — simple khakis and white t-shirts. The only reason I knew they were uniforms was because of the consistency with which the corpses wore them.

"She's right," Saeko murmured, "I also noticed the uniforms." Then why didn't you say anything? My thoughts were bitter and spiteful, and I quelled them quickly. It wasn't Saeko's fault that I was in such a shitty position and it wasn't fair to take it out on her. When she continued speaking, I silenced my own thoughts as best as I could. "There's one other thing I noticed," she murmured and I could practically hear her frown. "They're all young. I haven't seen a single adult or elderly corpse since we started in the cavern."

She was right. It wasn't something that I noticed because it wasn't as obvious as their clothes, and I was in no state of mind to debate the finer details.

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