Twenty Seventh Corpse: The New Conditions

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❝I'll make sure your balls are rainbow colored by the end of the week.❞

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Twenty Seventh Corpse | The New Conditions

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[Z-day +7 | Apr. 21 | 08:50hrs]

I woke up in my room, confused and unsure how I even got there. The last thing I remembered was... Takashi's face distorting as my fist slammed into it. A satisfying yet ugly image to think of. Endangering my best friend was not going to make me dislike him any less.

I must have passed out afterwards because from then on, it's just a blank space. Sitting up proved to be easier than I thought it would be with all the fatigue my body had before, and surprisingly enough, I actually felt pretty good. I moved my limbs experimentally but there were no aches. It made me wonder exactly how long I was asleep.

A thud against the wall outside of my room made me flinch in surprise and suck in a sharp breath.

"Try that again and I'll snap your arm in half and bitch slap you with it like Saeko bitchslapped your girlfriend last night!" The low angry growl was unmistakably Thomson's and my eyes widened. I don't think I've ever heard him sound so menacing.

"I was just going to go check on her!" Takashi rasped out, sounding like he was under pressure.

"After the stunt that bitch of yours pulled last night, you're not getting within a hundred feet of her unless she's awake to defend herself and even then I'd watch my back if I were you," Thomson snapped before there was a yelp from Takashi followed by several grunts. It sounded like he'd just been tossed.

A frown settled on my forehead as I tried to gather the pieces of the rather disturbing picture I was beginning to get. Clearly something had happened last night after I passed out and it revolved around Rei and Takashi. Deciding that I needed to get answers, I got out of bed and wrenched my door open, blinking when I was met with the tense back of Thomson who stood in front of my door. He spun around when the door opened, the anger seeping out of his eyes and relief replacing it. "You're awake," he breathed out, looking me over, "Damn Calico, don't scare us like that again. You were out for over twelve hours."

I blinked, both at this knowledge and at his concern. When he got like this and actually acted like a nice person, it was hard to come up with a response and made me feel silly for being rendered speechless.

His head tilted to the side in a questioning manner and I remembered why I was going to him in the first place. "What happened in the twelve hours I was out of it?" I asked, my voice cracking from lack of use and sounding husky.

Something flashed across his eyes and they darkened slightly as anger licked at the edges of his expression. It was a telling reaction, confirming that something had in fact happened while I was blacked out.

"We should get you something to eat and drink," he murmured quietly, ignoring my question, "You haven't eaten a thing since yesterday morning."

I narrowed my eyes on him and folded my arms, "Thomson...what happened? Where's Quin and everybody else? What did Rei do?" I asked seriously.

He grimaced slightly before sighing and tilting his head to the side in a gesture. "Come on, I'll take you to the others and you can hear it from someone other than me. If I talk about it, I'll just get riled up again and lover boy will get fucked up."

I assumed he meant Takashi, and the fact that he was swearing made me all the more curious and just a little anxious.

He led me over to one of the other rooms on the lodge and knocked on the door before pushing it open and stepping back so I could enter first. When I walked in, Saya jumped up with wide eyes and ran at me, tackling me into a hug.

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