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Blood, thats all I saw as I crept into a room. I gasped as I saw Naruto, Kakashi, and My older brother on the floor dead.
I collapsed on the floor sobbing once I noticed I was covered in blood. The bodies stood up and surrounded me.
"You did this... You monster... You killed us..."
I stumbled backwards sobbing and trying to get away but it wouldn't work. I was frozen.
I felt someone shaking me but I clenched my eyes shut.

I forced My eyes open it see Naruto. I screamed and jumped backwards trembling in fear.


"Kuro-Chan what's wrong?!"

"S-stay away i'm a monster... I'll just end up killing you, Kakashi-sensei, Sakura and Sasuke. I'm a demon..."

I shook in fear as he looked at me and ran off.

I stayed in my corner and continued sobbing and rocking myself the nightmare playing over and over again in my head until I found someone pick me up. I squirmed and jumped out of the persons arms and attempted to climb back into my corner, but as my back turned I felt a sharp pain in my neck and then my vision faded to black.

I sat up with a jolt and noticed I wasn't in my house. I was in the hospital. My dream flood in my memory and I grabbed my head as panic set in once more I bit my lip scared but closed my eyes to calm myself down. I looked around the room to see no one there I pulled my blanket over my head and teared up as my throat burned, tears now  flowing freely from my eyes as I worked up the strength to stand and walk to the bathroom.  I saw myself in the mirror and sighed wiping the tears away calming myself down as I looked at my hands jumping back as they were covered in blood I whimpered and stared at myself in the mirror again. There was no blood. I looked at my hands uncomfortably. Then at my hair, I didn't like the artificial black my hair currently was. I missed my silver hair. I sighed and reversed the jutsu my hair turning back to the silver that was commonly mistaken as white and summoned clothes out of the summoning tattoo on my stomach. My head pounded as another bigger seal appeared on my stomach. I looked at in shock and decided to see the hokage.
I quickly pulled on my clothes and teleported outside the homages office. I stared at the door before sighing and knocking on the wooden door. A faint 'Come in' was heard as I opened the door and stepped inside the hokages office. I stared at the hokage and then at Kakashi who looked like he hadn't slept well in a few days
He smiled at me and I rubbed my temple my head pounding

"Old man how'd I get in the hospital?"

"You had a panic attack in the middle of the night... Naruto woke up after hearing you screaming broke your door in and panicked when you wouldn't let him touch you and ran all the way to my house. I made my son Asuma take you to the hospital. He had to knock you out..."

I nodded and the hokages mouth turned into a frown before he spoke, "Kurosu... I don't want you alone so you will be staying with Kakashi-san."
I frowned

"No. I'd rather stay in a strangers house."

Kakashi looked at me his brows furrowed.

"Why do you hate me so much? I'm your sensei..."

I stared at him sheepishly

"I don't hate you but I'm not staying with you. Find someone else."

The hokage sighed.

"Fine your either staying with Kakashi-San or you have to find someone to stay with. That I approve of."

I frowned. I only knew of Naruto and I couldn't face him after what happened. I looked down and then to Kakashi then to the ground again before jumping out the window and landing in the town square.

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